21st Century Instructional Plan Student Population

21st Century Instructional Plan: Student Population

EDU645: Learning & Assessment for the 21st Century (NMD1633A)

Part 1: Instructional Plan Design


Lesson Date and Time: Sept. 5, 2016 at 11:00 p.m.Teacher: Ms. Elizabeth Keenan

Grade Level:3rd Subject: English Language Arts

Grade level content standard(s) (Label and complete verbiage): Use your state’s respective learning standards and/or Common Core State Standards to align your objective, tasks, and assessments to. Must be either Math or ELA.

LESSON OBJECTIVE: (clear, measurable, describes WHO will do WHAT and HOW) At least one purposeful question posed by teacher to promote critical thinking

  1. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.3.1: Ask and answer questions exhibit comprehension of a content, indicting accurate to the content as the premise for the answers.
  2. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.3.3: Specify characters in a story (e.g., their characteristics, incentives, or reactions) and clarify how their activities add to the progression of the story.
  3. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.3.6: Recognize their own perspective from that of the storyteller or those of the characters.
  4. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RI.3.2: Distinguish the main idea of a content; describe the key points of interest and clarify how they support the main idea.
  5. (Common Core State Standards Initiative, 2016)

Students will be capable of reading required content with reason and comprehension.

•Students will be able to use information picked up from representations and the words in a story to exhibit comprehension of the content (where, when, why, and how) with 100% accuracy.

•Students will be capable of clarify how particular parts of a content’s add to what is passed on by the words in a story with 90% accuracy.

Anticipatory Set

I will ask the students to raise their hands to add to a discussion of what they already know about the story. I will compose a list on the board of the attributes they name, while encouraging them and providing feedback as needed. We will repeat the procedure for a discourse of the events of the story. They will pay attention to main similarities and differences of events.

Lesson Sequence & Duration

Gradual Release of Responsibility

Instructional Input “I do”-The educator provides the students with the information needed for learning or aptitude through textbook and would incorporates the vocabulary, abilities and ideas (Lefrançois, 2013). Provide students will materials needed for the learning task such as book, worksheet, pencil, and paper to record what they are learning and what ask they may want to ask for additional learning.

Modeling- The teacher uses the materials to demonstrate to students’ what is expected such as providing an example on the board from the reading or asking the first question for critical thinking (Lefrançois, 2013).

Check for Understanding The teacher will observe students as they are providing feedback, completing the worksheet, and doing their exit slips (Teaching Channel, 2013).

Questioning Strategies/Topical or Overarching QuestionsThe instructor utilizes an assortment of addressing methods to decide “Got it yet?” and to consider the pace of the lesson: “Would it be a good idea for me to advance or move down?”

Considerations for unique learners (differentiation, accommodations, modifications through instructional activities AND assessments for the specific students identified as having diagnosed disabilities and language barriers.

Assessment FOR learning; embed three different ways to assess FOR learning, including authentic formative assessment

  1. Students will be provided with additional time if needed
  2. Students will be provided with written and oral text in their language and caption on movie
  3. Students may have the options to complete lesson in a less distracting setting
  4. Students may have the options to use of technology for assistance
  5. Teacher will keep directions brief and uncomplicated; repeating them word by word if needed.
    • Students may be allowed to video-tape their work if needed.
    • (King-Sears, 2008)
  6. Evidence of purposeful rigor and student thinking – at least two levels of Depth of Knowledge (DOK), clearly labeled

    1. Observation: Teacher will observe students while they are working and record their finding on a rubric for understanding
    2. Exit Slip: Teacher will review exit slip and develop questions for future learning and understanding
    3. Open-end questions: Teacher will listen to students understanding and comprehension and record their finding of acknowledgement (Ashby, Burns, & Royle, 2014).
    4. Guided Practice — The students’ first attempts with new learning are guided so they are accurate and successful. The “We do” portion of the lesson. What and how will you assess here?

      1. Students will decode words in the text for future discussion.
      2. Students will create a story and tell the differences and similarities between both their story and the required story.
      3. The teacher continues read the story and asks feedback from the students. The teacher will assess students learning from the feedback received. Then class will be divided into groups where they will work together for an hour to complete a worksheet on what they have learned from their assigned pages which will I will hang up in the classroom for continuous learning.

        Independent Practice – The “You do” portion of the lesson. When students practice independently or with others without the guidance or help of the teacher. What and how will you assess?

        The students independently read the story for 20 minutes by themselves and answer the questions on the exit slip before they leave for today. Each student will turn in their exit slips and the teacher will review them for additional learning the following day.

        Closure – Bring it all back to the lesson’s objective. Will you assess using an exit ticket strategy, whole group discussion? Ticket out the door, or some other closing activity?

        Part 2: Description

        1. The teacher will ask the students to retell the main idea of a story and any main events than specify how it support the main idea.
        2. Quickly survey and restate the standard and reason for the lesson.
        3. A lesson plan is design to communicate with the teacher to guide and map them in organizing their material and purpose for assisting students in accomplishing a learning objective. Each part of the plan is outline with important information that would help every student be success obtaining, learning, and developing new knowledge (Young, & Luttenegger, 2014). It incorporates what the understudies should realize), how the objective will be come to and a method for measuring how well the objective was come to. This lesson plan is designed for a class with 27 students of which two are diagnosed with specific learning disabilities (SLD) in reading and math. One student has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Moreover, you just received a student last week who is not fluent in English (ELL) (Hall, 2016).

          This lesson plan is determined the types of accommodations/modifications needed throughout your lesson activities and assessments is by providing an environment for all students to be at ease, comfortable, and success in the learning of the lesson. Since there are two students with ADHD it may be more comfortable for them to perform their activities in a more different area where they are not disturbing other students and can concentrate on their work with less destructions. The student that is not fluent in English it would be best to provide information in both their language as well as in English. The other student with learning disabilities my vary depending on their disability, therefore, it is important to use different learning styles and methods when teaching any lesson and provide extra time to allow students to complete their task.

          This plan sets ALL of your students up for mastering the objective and a future summative assessment is because it provides modifications and accommodations for all students to be success. It allows students to be a part in the learning and provides the teacher with different ways of delivering her lesson, assessing her students, and providing feedback and assist to them. The lesson plan can be used as a continuous learning outcome with open-end questions and activities that would come be developed when designing and implementing this lesson plan. Students are giving the opportunity to engage throughout the lesson plan, ask questions, and provide feedback. Each student is accommodated with special needs that could help throughout the plan.


          Ashby, C., Burns, J., & Royle, J. (2014). ALL Kids Can Be Readers: The Marriage of Reading First and Inclusive Education. Theory Into Practice, 53(2), 98-105. doi:10.1080/00405841.2014.885809

          Common Core State Standards Initiative (2016) English Language Arts Standards » Reading: Literature » Grade 3. Retrieved from http://www.corestandards.org/ELA-Literacy/RL/3/

          Hall, K. (2016) EDU645: Learning & Assessment for the 21st Century (NMD1633A). San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education.

          King-Sears, M. E. (2008). Facts and fallacies: differentiation and the general education curriculum for students with special educational needs. Support For Learning, (2), 55.

          Lefrançois, G. R. (2013). Of learning and assessment. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education.

          Teaching Channel. (2013). Assess and plan with exit tickets. Retrieved from https://www.teachingchannel.org/videos/teacher-assessment-strategy

          Young, K., & Luttenegger, K. (2014). Planning “Lessons For Everybody” In Secondary Classrooms. American Secondary Education, 43(1), 25-32.

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