AB 209 UNIT 9 assignment Ethics and Profit

Ethics and Profit



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Ethics and Profit

Ethical egoism as explained by (Hinman, 2013) is that theory that one’s self should be the motivation of doing anything, and should be the primary goal of one’s actions. It suggests that one should primarily think about himself before acting out on something, and that the consequences should be in the persons own interests. This is depicted clearly in the scenario, where Mr. Trudeau takes Mr. Ordine’s cash and doesn’t mail him a receipt, and when he does, he doesn’t do it in a proper manner (generating one from the computer). This acted out in his own interest majorly because he will avoid paying taxes. After all, the money doesn’t reflect anywhere since no receipt for the vaccine and he had used the cash for his own personal use. The ends justified the means in this scenario, just as the Ethical egoism suggests.

According to Immanuel Kant, the German philosopher who developed the philosophy of categorical imperative, morality is summed up in an ultimate commandment of reason which is imperative. This is a theory that calls every human being to act out in a way that is based on reason, logic and a way that would easily be considered as necessary and ethical if everyone acted in that manner. It can be said of Mr. Trudeau in the scenario for example, that he didn’t act out in an ethical manner, because it is considered the right thing to pay taxes, and he deliberately chose not to add the cash he received from Mr. Ordine in the computer. The good thing about categorical imperative is that it emphasizes on the fact that one should treat others as they would love to be treated. Would Sam act the way he did if it clicked to him that his employees could do that to him as well? This is a philosophy that upholds human life and the law, because it majorly focuses on doing what is right. The problem however it subjects everyone to particular actions that might be deemed by everyone as ethical. Some of these actions might in the long run might not be beneficial to the individual themselves. In the scenario, Sam’s action were of benefit to him, because he used the money in the grocery stores, and he saved a few dollars that he would pay as tax to the government. If Sam was to act out in a way that is perceived as ethical, he would have not reaped the short term benefits.

If an auditor was to discover the situation at the hospital, the hospital employees’ will be in very big trouble. This is because they are the ones who are solely responsible for the sales recording of the sales. Noting that the sales were not included, the auditor will think that there was something fishy that is happening among the employees, and might lead to prosecution since evasion of tax is a very serious offence in the U.S. For the sake of his employees and integrity, it would only be noble if Sam returned the cash and did the right paperwork, so that the proper receipt is generated for Mr. Ordine. This is what would be ethically right to do, and Sam ought to have done that as a duty to his employees, his nation and his customers, such as Mr. Ordine.


Hinman, L. (2013). Ethics: A pluralistic approach to moral theory (5th ed.). Boston, MA:

Wadsworth Pub.

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