Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity



GEN 201


Academic Integrity

In the study of 14,000 undergraduate students in the Beat the Cheat article, two-thirds admitted to cheating on assignments or tests (Novotney, 2011). According to an article published by Harvard reveal that students stated a few types of extenuating circumstances, including high stakes moments that they believe would make it acceptable to cheat. For example, Alejandra wrote, “The times I had cheated were when I was failing a class, and if I failed the final I would repeat the class. And I hated that class and I didn’t want to retake it again.” Here, she identifies allegiance to a parallel ethical value: Graduating from high school. (Goldman, Z., 2016, July 19) Three examples of infractions that violate the Student Code of Academic Integrity include:

SMART is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable (or Achievable), Relevant (or Realistic) and Timely.I believe that SMART goal setting can help you avoid infractions against the code because it can be an incredible aid with time management. When you manage your time well then you are able to work on your assignments in a timely manner and will not face speed bumps that would tempt you to cheat or break any of the rules. Integrity is important is both academic and professional life because we live in a society that puts a lot of weight on being honest and fair, so by putting that into practice you are able to contribute to society and learn from others around you as long as they practice that integrity. In order to ensure that you do not plagiarize, the University has supplied access to a free checker that will run your work against internet files and websites to compare for similarity.

  • Plagiarism – Intentional or unintentional representation of another’s words or ideas as one’s own in an academic exercise.
  • Fabrication – Falsification or invention of any information, citation, data, or document.
  • Misrepresentation – Falsely representing the student’s situation to faculty when justifying an absence or the need for an incomplete grade; or requesting a makeup exam, a special due date, or extension of a deadline for submitting a course requirement.


Goldman, Z. (2016, July 19). Why Do Students Cheat? Retrieved August 27, 2017, from

 Noventy, A. (2011).  Beat the cheat. Monitor on Psychology, 42(6) 54.  Retrieved from

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