Addiction counseling

Addiction counseling

HSCO 509- B


This paper will demonstrate the increasing number of illicit drugs being used in today’s society. This paper will demonstrate the increasing underage use of alcohol or substances. This paper will explain the most common illegal and legal drug use in America today. This paper will explore the difference of substance abuse compared to that of substance use. The increase of prescription drug overdoses is on the rise in many parts of the United States. This paper will explain the entire process from abuse to addiction, what types of counseling will be most beneficial to the client. The proper procedure in performing intakes, different testing to provide the most pertinent information for the counselor. The use of addiction counseling in all different types of cultural beliefs, and the value of education on the behalf of the counselor. The benefits of using a 12-step program for clients, the different group sessions that will benefit each client, along with which type of counseling programs that will benefit the client and counselor. Since all groups and individual, group setting are different, this paper will explain each group, and it’s All counseling needs and groups will explore the spiritual side of the client life, the support system the client may have, along with a development of goals for the client. How to determine which counseling group is different from each other, and which client will be assigned to group sessions. This paper will explain that drug addiction does not discriminate social classes. Therefore, the counselor must be willing to accept their own shortcomings, and to determine if demonstrate of their own past history will be beneficial to the client, or group, to help develop a closer relationship within the group.


Most common age range of experimentation with substances.

Grade school children

High school

College age

Most common substances used.

Prescription medications

Illegal substance


Testing tools to determine addiction verses use



Drug abuse DAST

DAST for the adolescent.

Different groups

Single-session group

Task group

Support groups

Different cultural

What is expected of the group

What is expected from the induvial

How to address the different cultures in group


Counseling different religions

Finding a higher power

Support from church

Support of family members.

Counselor education

Accepting of client’s culture

Understanding one’s self

Continuing education

When to refer client outside the counselor’s scope of practice.


Providing treatment with required education

Keeping client confidential

Providing care for those whom you disagree with.


Hays, D. G., & Eroford, B. T. (2014). The culturally competent counselor. In Developing multicultural counseling competence: A system approach (2nd ed., pp. 18-25). Upper Saddle, NJ: Pearson.

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