Types of Teams PowerPoint Presentation


BA 60680 H2 Team Management


We have identified 4 types of teams listed as follows:1. Self Managed Team2. Operational Team3. Virtual Team4. Problem Solving TeamCharacteristics of each of the teams have been elaborated further.As a group we associate with Self Managed Team and also a Virtual team.

A self-managed team is a semi autonomous group of workers who decide, plan, and deal with their everyday exercises and obligations under limited supervision or no supervision. Additionally, it is also referred as self coordinated/directed group or self-guided/self-managed common work group.Around 80 percent Fortune 1000 and 81 percent of manufacturing companies use self-managed teams among their organizations. (self-managed team, n.d.)



Joint Responsibility – Share equal responsibilities between team membersInterdependence – Interdependence within team members improves the success ratio.Empowerment – Empowerment helps to proceed with the project.Common Goal – Driving factor for the team.


Operational Team is generally formed to take action on some ongoing activities that are required for provision of services and material. The purpose of operational teams are based on the level of service and the quality of goods supplied in specific terms. Operational teams are well defined and they have fixed set of roles and responsibilities. There aren’t team roles like project teams as an operational team needs a various kinds and types of people to efficiently support the processes and monitor the progress of team. They can even be seen as face of the organization as people working with mostly work operational team that provide services and produce goods, they make sure that standards of organizations are implemented and withheld.


Time – It is one of the of the most key factor, people working can work at different hours, different hours, shifts. So, coordination and effective communication means are necessarySpace – Teams can work at the same space or miles apart in different locations in the country or offshore. Culture – Culture has a great influence on team development, factors such as gender, race, language, profession, education, nationality, social, religious and economic factors.


A Virtual team is a group of employees from different locations that work interdependently across space, time and some times (Nordbäck, & Espinosa 2019). organizational boundaries through technology. Virtual teams are the teams that use computer technology to tie together physically dispersed members so as to attain common targetsA virtual team member can be expected to share information, brainstorm, find solutions, and often to produce reports or products.


E-mailWebinarsDiscussion BoardsTeleconferencingVideo teleconferencingOther online collaboration Websites like Webex


Focus on the international environmentCommon mission, responsibility, sense of ownershipThe ability to overcome time and space constraintsLinked by electronic forms of communication (Nordbäck, & Espinosa 2019). Assembled and disassembled according to needOpen culture, trust, authenticity


A collection of geographically distributed, functionally and/or culturally diverse entitiesCollaborative network of people working together, regardless of location or who “owns” themMechanisms for early conflict resolutionsEffective function (meeting deadlines etc.) and communication systems and procedures


All successful virtual teams have three common characteristics:TrustAttentivenessCommunication1. Trust: Trust is the foundation of any successful relationship and it’s even more important when building relationships virtually. Without the benefit of regular face to face, virtual teams have to be much more intentional about focusing on building trust. 

2. Attentiveness: Without the benefit of face to face communication, virtual team members have to work extra hard at being attentive through their verbal and electronic interactions. Leaders of virtual teams have to be diligent about encouraging participation, dealing with conflict, and appropriately rewarding and recognizing team members.

3. Communication: Virtual team members have to work diligently on their tone of communications (written and verbal) and learn to be more perceptive of the emotional content of the message being communicated (McLarnon, Neill, Taras, Law, Donia & Steel 2019).


Rad (2014) stated that good problem solvers are good thinkers. They have less drama and problems to begin with and don’t get overly emotional when faced with a problem. They usually see problems as challenges and life experiences and try to stand above them, objectively.Katzenbach and Smith (1993) stated that “… a team is a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they hold themselves mutually accountable” (p 45). In addition, regular communication, coordination, distinctive roles, interdependent tasks and shared norms are important features (Ducanis & Golin 1979; Brannick & Prince 1997).For effective problem solvers, standing in the other person’s shoes is more than a cute saying. It’s a fundamental way of looking at the problem from every perspective. This ability to shift perspectives quickly and easily is a key characteristic of effective problem solvers (Paul, 2017).


According to Rad (2014), general characteristics of Problem-Solving team are:1.Don’t need to be right all the time2. Go beyond their own conditioning3. Look for opportunity within the problem4. Know the difference between complex and simple thinking5. Have clear definition of what the problem is6. Use the power of words to connect with people7. Don’t create problems for others8. Do prevention more than intervention9. Explore their options10. Have reasonable expectations

As a group we identify ourselves as a Self Managed virtual team.We are self reliant yet interdependent as a team and also very collaborative in terms of working on our respective tasks.The main driving factor for us as a team is our common goal which helps us attain optimum results and grow together as a team.The true essence of a self managed team is to be independently creative and share each other’s respective findings to have a finished end product.Self Managed teams are more liberated and empowered.

We also have a tinge of a typical virtual team since we are located all across the country and yet have a common platform to collaborate.Communication is the key for us as we exchanged ideas and provided insights to promote knowledge sharing.The facilities available in today’s day and age help us communicate very efficiently regardless of being diversely located.We possess the zeal and enthusiasm of a self regulating team.As a team we determine the schedules, procedures and adjustments to be made for the attainment of our goal.Extensive brainstorming is involved




Research shows that contemporary organizations are heavily investing in team-based structures to put up with the growing complexity of the modern day work environment. Teamwork can be defined as a set of interrelated thoughts, actions and feelings of each team member that are needed to function as a team and that combine to facilitate coordinated, adaptive performance and task objectives resulting in value-added outcomes.The main factors for the team success are having:  Good Communication between team members. Vision. Healthy Relationship between team members. Dominance wars in areas of expertise.


Competition is the act of competing two or more independent parties to achieve a desired goal/result. Basically there are three forms of competition may arise in the teamA team member competing against another team member A team member competing against the whole team.An entire team competing with another team within the organization.


The information technology (IT) industry not only employs considerable number of qualified people but is also embedded in the concept of teamwork and the success or failure of any IT Organization depending on the effectiveness of team.Some people doesn’t want to work as a team but want individual recognition. Another important factor is efficient Time Management.Under pressure some members in the team couldn’t complete the task on time.Some team members think that they had contributed more than other team members and few other misunderstandings.


Globalized workforce gives unique advantage to organizations for success in Globalized economy, companies are relaying on the global workforce to sustain and remain competitive. (Neeley, 2015)Globalized workforce in relatively new concept to the workforce management, as managers it’s important to understand the challenges having global team. But managers who actually lead global teams are up against stiff challenges. Creating successful work groups is hard enough when everyone is local and people share the same office space. But when team members come from different countries and functional backgrounds and are working in different locations, communication can rapidly deteriorate, misunderstanding can ensue, and cooperation can degenerate into distrust.Instead of managing culture of Global teams as manager should embrace the culture to create comfortable workspace environment to be more productive.

It’s important to remind team members that they share a common and to direct their energy toward business-unit or corporate goals. The leader should periodically highlight how everyone’s work fits into the company’s overall strategy and advances its position in the market. For instance, during a weekly conference call, a global team leader might review the group’s performance relative to company objectives.She/He might also discuss the level of collective focus and sharpness the team needs in order to fend off competitors.Communication: Building team synergies with positive approach in dealing and respecting different culture would helpHaving team building activities would help in creating team where there is more collaboration than just communication Using of current technology tools will help in communication of global team with different time zones


Each organization should understand the differences between age groups and the thought process of the age groups. Below is the small categorization of these age groups and it’s important for leader to identify the team members strangest based on generation groups.Traditionalists make up today’s senior workforce and have a strong sense of the importance of financial recognition, security, and hierarchy. Although their numbers are decreasing as they retire, many of their assumptions are deeply embedded in the fabric of how organizations work; many corporations remain largely the product of their policies. Baby Boomers Most Boomers jumped into the workforce with passion and commitment. They tend to value individual achievement and individual recognitionGen X’ers are often more concerned with a work-life balance in which they “work to live” instead of “live to work.” Free time is highly valued, probably more so than money for many.Generation Ys/Millennials Fearless and blunt, they offer their opinions freely, as they don’t view corporate hierarchy and “proper” business protocol as rigidly as older generations and have an expectation that their point of view is valid and will be heard. This is the first generation of unconsciously competent users of digital technology. (Alsbury, 2015)


As team we support globalized teams are more effective in managing complex challenges As companies are becoming more global it is important to have team members from multiple nations and multiple countriesThis approach will create more robust companies and strong economies across the world.


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