Behavioral Disorders

Assignment 2

Biopsychosocial-Cultural Mode

Jessica Chapman

Argosy University

Behavioral Disorders Template

Instructions: Complete each of the following three tables found on pages 1–3 of this template.

Symptoms of Inattention and Impulsivity List the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) symptoms under the category, “inattention.”1. Has a hard time giving close attention to details.2. Has a hard time sustaining attention in tasks.3. Seems to not be listening.4. Seems to not follow instructions on homework.5. Has difficulty staying organized with tasks. 6. Dislikes, and avoids engaging in tasks that require mental effort.7. They often loose things. 8. They get distracted by things every easily.9. They are often forgetful.
Symptoms of Hyperactivity List the DSM symptoms under the category, “hyperactivity and impulsivity.” 1. Fidgets, taps hands and feet.2. Often leaves seat when not allowed to.3. Often runs or climbs when it isn’t appropriate to. 4. Often unable to do leisure activities quietly. 5. Seems to always be on the go.6. Talks more than others.7. In class will blurt out answers before being asked. 8. Has a hard time waiting their turn.9. Has problems with interrupting others.
Gender Differences Identify at least two gender differences in the prevalence or types of ADHD.1. Girl’s symptoms can be less obvious, they can be withdrawn, more inattentive or seem to be a “day dreamer”2. While boys can more active and act out.
Possible Causes Identify at least three possible causes of ADHD.1. Heredity is the most common cause of ADHD, if a parent has the disorder it is likely the child could also develop the disorder.2. Brain injury due to trauma or disease.3. And another is a child’s expose to toxic substances as a fetus.
Evidence-Based Treatments Identify at least two treatments proven effective by research.1. Behavioral therapy, research has shown that therapy can help many patients with ADHD disorder. 2. Some patients may need medication along with therapy. The two together has been shown to help many patients.
Sources List your sources or references here (at least two academic sources are required). Be sure to include in-text citations within your responses in the table.1. American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC2. The National Institute of Mental Health. (2016). Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Retrieved from
Symptoms List the DSM symptoms of ODD.1. Easily loses temper. 2. Touchy and easily annoyed.3. Easily gets angry and resentful.4. Argues with those of authority.5. Refuses to comply with rules.6. Deliberately tries to annoy others.7. Blames others for their behavior.8. Can be spiteful and vindictive.
Gender Differences Identify at least two gender differences in the prevalence or types of ODD.1. The disorder is more prevalent in males than in females prior to adolescence. 2. The male predominance is not consistently found in samples of adolescents or even adults.
Possible Causes Identify at least two possible causes of ODD.1. Heredity can be a cause of ODD, if a parent has the disorder a child could likely also develop it.2. Environmental exposes can also be a cause.
Evidence-Based Treatments Identify at least two treatments proven effective by research.1. Cognitive behavioral therapy can work for many patients. 2. Medications can be used only if a child has another condition such as ADHD.
Sources List your sources or references here (at least two academic sources are required). Be sure to include in-text citations within your responses in the table.1. American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC2. Mayo Clinic. (2017). Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD). Retrieved from
Symptoms of Violation of the Basic Rights of People, Animals, Social Norms, or Rules List the DSM symptoms (specific examples of each type of behavior) under the categories, “aggression to people and animals,” “destruction of property,” “deceitfulness or theft,” and “serious violations of rules.”Aggression to people and animals1. Bullies, threatens or intimidates others.2. Initiates physical fights.3. Used a weapon that causes serious harm.4. Been physically cruel to others.5. Been physically cruel to animals.6. Has stolen items from a person while confronting them.7. Has forced another into sexual activity.Destruction of property8. Has engaged in fire, with the intention of causing damage.9. Has deliberately destroyed someone else’s property. Deceitfulness or theft10. How broken into another person’s home, car, etc. 11. Been known to lie to obtain goods or favors.12. Has been known to steal, or shoplift without confronting anyone. Serious violations of rules13. Often stays out late without parent consent, starting at a young age. 14. Has ran away from their home at least twice for lengthy time. 15. If often late or doesn’t go to school starting at a young age.
Gender Differences Identify the gender difference in the prevalence of conduct disorder (whether boys or girls are more likely to receive the diagnosis). Which of the behaviors listed above are more common in boys? Which of the behaviors listed above are more common in girls?1. This disorder is more common is males than in females.2. Males are more likely to display aggression.3. Females often are more likely to skip school, abuse drugs and lie.
Evidence-Based Treatments Identify at least two treatments proven effective by research.1. Cognitive behavioral therapy, alone and in a family group setting. 2. Medications can work to help if the patient is dealing with anxiety or depression. Or if they are also dealing with another disorder along with conduct disorder such as ADHD or ODD.
Sources List your sources and references here (at least two academic sources are required). Be sure to include in-text citations within your responses in the table.1. American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC2. Mental Health America. (2016). Conduct Disorder. Retrieved from
Anna’s Diagnosis of ADHD: Agree or Disagree?
Instructions: Anna, the five-year-old described in M2: Assignment 1, was diagnosed with ADHD. Decide whether or not you agree with the diagnosis. In at least 300 words, explain your reasons for agreeing or disagreeing with the diagnosis below. Support your decision with information from academic sources and cite those sources in APA format.Anna is a Mexican American who live with both of her parents. They have moved a lot since she was born, at least 10 times. Anna is going to be starting kindergarten, she completed orientation and during that time she was evaluated for speech. It was discovered that Anna is at least two years behind typical speech development. During kindergarten orientation Anna was acting hyperactive, she was distracted, unable to stay in her seat and was unable to complete a task given to her. The school psychologist recommend that her parents have her evaluated further. Anna’s parents had her evaluated at a local mental health clinic where she was evaluated and diagnosed with ADHD. She has started behavioral therapy with a bilingual therapist. In a few weeks she will be evaluated by a psychiatrist to see if adding a stimulant is needed. Anna is showing the symptoms of ADHD, I am agreeing on the diagnosis. Anna was having trouble staying with a task and was easily distracted during her kindergarten orientation. She also has the hyperactive symptom. During her orientation she was acting hyperactive and unable to stay in her seat. At this age she should be able to stay on task, stay in her seat and not get easily distracted. Behavioral therapy is the right course for Anna, early intervention will help her long term. Her teachers, parents and therapist can all work together to help Anna be successful in school and at home. If medication is something that she needs then a psychiatrist will make that call and they will work with her behavioral therapist and family to get the right kind and dosage (American Psychiatric Association, 2013)


American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders

(5th ed.). Washington, DC

Argosy University (2017). Module Two. Retrieved from

Mash, E. J., & Wolfe, D. A. (2010). Abnormal child psychology.

Mayo Clinic. (2017). Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD). Retrieved from

Mental Health America. (2016). Conduct Disorder. Retrieved from

The National Institute of Mental Health. (2016). Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Retrieved from

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