Benchmark Case Study PLAAFP and Annual

Benchmark – Case Study: PLAAFP and Annual Goals

Grand Canyon University: SPD – 550 – 0500

Benchmark – Case Study: PLAAFP and Annual Goals

Part 1: Present Level of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance

Student Strengths

Ana is a very friendly student who enjoys playing sports and working one on one with her teachers. She loves making her mom happy and proud of Ana. Her academic strength is in Mathematics.

Parent Concerns:

Mom has previously stated that she wants Ana to finish school and receive her diploma. Mom is also concerned about Ana being constantly tired and lethargic. Ana refuses to get up in the morning to get ready for school.

Impact Statement:

Ana has difficulties with following through on independent work and attending to the lessons. These difficulties make it hard for Ana to focus on classroom instruction, understand concepts being discussed, acquire skills that depend on previously covered instruction and understand/complete assignment requirements.


Test Scores: Ana was given the Woodcock-Johnson III Tests of Achievement with the following results:

Broad Reading: 82 (low average range)

Letter-Word Identification: 85

Reading Fluency: 81

Passage Comprehension: 91

Broad Math: 99 (average range)

Calculation: 93

Math Fluency: 101

Applied Problems: 104

Broad Written Language: 87 (low average range)

Spelling: 86

Writing Fluency: 87

Writing Samples: 98

Ana was also given the verbal WISC and the non-verbal UNIT IQ testing. Both tests placed Anna in the average intelligence range with an IQ of 105.

Math: Based on the Woodcock-Johnson III Tests of Achievement, Ana is functioning at the average range compared to her grade level peers.

Reading: Based on the Woodcock-Johnson III Tests of Achievement, Ana is functioning at the low average range compared to her grade level peers. Ana struggles with sounding out words. This affects Ana’s reading fluency and comprehension skills. Ana can independently read a seventh grade text with 80% comprehension. Ana reads 40WPM correctly at a seventh grade level.

Writing: Based on the Woodcock-Johnson III Tests of Achievement, Ana is functioning at the low average range compared to her grade level peers. Ana is able to write complete sentences. Ana is unable to complete a paragraph that follows a topic sentence. She also has difficulty with spelling and often spells words incorrectly on final drafts.

Functional Performance:

Ana is able to communicate her wants and needs and they commensurate amongst her peers.


K through 7th grade, Ana has missed an average of 7 days. In 8th grade, Ana missed 50 days and so far this year she has missed the first several weeks of school. Ana is unable to work alone. When she has individual work to complete, it doesn’t get completed. Ana does well when she is able to sit next to an adult to complete her work. Ana often needs prodding to complete work. She has trouble finishing homework and keeping up with notes in classes and has failing grades in several classes. Behaviorally, there are no problems or referrals. Ana has no law enforcement involvement and no court appearances. Ana has difficulty making friends and does not spend time with friends. She also does not participate in any youth or church groups.

Part 2: Annual Goals

Goal 1: Behavioral/Social

Ana will attend school regularly, beginning with 2 classes per day to 8 classes per day, 8 out of 10 days.


Goal 2: Behavioral/Social

  • Ana had stable attendance (average 10 days per year) through 7th grade
  • Absent 50 days in 8th grade
  • Attended 2 days so far in 9th grade. She refuses to come to school.
  • Mother allows her to stay home.
  • Increase of absences appears to be associated with physical changes of adolescence.

Ana will initiate peer interactions (e.g., greet a peer, respond to peer greetings, ask questions, initiate conversations, participate in discussions) during structured and unstructured situations from 0% to 50% of the opportunities, 8 out of 10 days.


Goal 2: Academics – Writing

  • Ana’s social interactions have dropped as her attendance has decreased.
  • She’s not participating in any youth or church activities.
  • Does not initiate or respond to peer attempts to engage her in conversations or activities.
  • Smiles and converses with adults but not with peers
  • Cooperative with adults (i.e. usually follows directives, requests)
  • Expresses concern over appearance and visibly uncomfortable with size and appearance (e.g. she thinks she’s tiny, odd looking, biracial, says other kids make fun of her, she tears up when she talks about herself, voice quivers)

Ana will use graphic organizers and other writing tools to generate, plan, organize ideas and complete an expository paper from 0% accuracy to 50% accuracy on 3 out of 4 final writing assignments.


Goal 3: Academics – Reading

  • Woodcock Johnson Writing Fluency – 87
  • Failing grades
  • Average intelligence
  • Unable to complete a paragraph that follows the topic sentence
  • Able to write complete sentences

Ana will explain the relationship between: characters, plot, setting, tone, point of view and theme when given a literary passage and graphic organizer from 80% accuracy to 100% accuracy 3 out of 5 opportunities.


Part 3: Rationale

  • Woodcock Johnson – Broad Reading – 82 low average range; Passage comprehension – 91.
  • Failing grades
  • Average Intelligence
  • Has difficulty sounding out words which effects comprehension skills
  • Can independently read 7th grade text with 80% comprehension
  • Reads 40WPM correctly at a seventh grade level.

When looking at Ana’s background information, testing scores, observations and parent/teacher/student input, Ana would benefit from Social and Academic IEP goals. If I were her special education teacher, I would focus on her attendance, communication skills amongst her peers, writing and reading skills. Based on school data and parent input, Ana’s attendance is getting worse each school year. She has gone from missing an average of 10 days of school per year from kindergarten to seventh grade to missing 50 days of school in 8th grade and has only attended 2 days of school so far this year in 9th grade. Given Ana’s input, she will have a morning check in with the special education teacher which will also gradually lead to also a lunch check in as well. Addressing Ana’s attendance issue, along with getting Ana to attend school more often will lead to Ana improving her academics such as reading and writing as well. Also, the more that she is at school, this will provide Ana more opportunities to converse amongst her peers and increase her communication skills. Addressing attendance could be a measure of success in addressing anxiety or body image as well for Ana.

Ana will initiate peer interactions (e.g., greet a peer, respond to peer greetings, ask questions, initiate conversations, participate in discussions) during structured and unstructured situations. This is an important goal for Ana because teachers and background information has stated that Ana does not participate in any youth or church groups. She does not initiate or respond to peer attempts to engage her in conversations or activities. Ana prefers to converse with adults rather than her peers and she feels that her peers make fun of how she looks. She has stated that she feels like a “freak”. So working on this goal with Ana will help boost her self-esteem and give her motivation to speak to her peers in and out of school activities. The special education teacher can help Ana use preventative strategies of facilitating personal coping skills before the onset of anxiety that she may feel when around her peers.

Academic IEP goals will focus on writing and reading in which on the Woodcock Johnson stated that Ana was low average range. According to the Woodcock Johnson, Ana received a score of 91 for passage comprehension and 87 for writing fluency. Teachers have stated that she is at 80% comprehension and she is unable to write a paragraph that follows a topic sentence.

All of these goals stated above are measureable. They are stated in a way that can be measured by standardized tests, curriculum-based measurements, observations, anecdotal records, and checklists. The IEP goals say when and how often Ana’s progress will be measured along with where she is starting and expecting to end up with a percentage which is based on data and background knowledge.

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