Best Practices Powerpoint

Best Practices

Progress Monitoring

This can be monitored through giving tests, quizzes, and projects.This is one method used to monitor a students progress.Occurs typically every 3 to 6 months.

Communicating Objectives

Explain to the students what they will be learning about.Put objective on the board for students to copy.Hand out a Unit planner which will explain what the students are learning for that unit.


Students should check their work before they turn in the assignment, to check for any possible errors.Use a rubric to show students how they will be graded.Show students different ways to check their work, before turning it in.

Students Progress

Have a private one on one conversation with student about their progress.Discuss with students what the learning objective is and what they can expect to learn.Gauge how well the student is doing with the learning the objectives.

Working with students to help them reach their goals

Tell the students what the goal is that you guys will be working on. Ask students how they are going to make their own goals.Showing students how to set different goals.

Helping students to understand their work and keep up with grading.

Go through the assignments together.Keep a grading log of all students grades both in a grade book and online.Grade assignments together and give feedback in a timely manner.

Providing Feedback to Students

Speak with the student about their progress and grade.Go over the test or quiz as a class after they receive it back.

Classroom Climate

Make classroom is welcomingGive students different seating optionsMake sure that classroom is organized

Inquiry and Development

Always allow for students to ask questionsMeasure a students development using of the many effective methodsGo over the assignment with students before they go to complete the assignment.


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