Ethical Considerations in Communication Research

Ethical Considerations in Communication Research

BSCOM/324- Communication Research

Ethical Considerations in Communication Research

There are ethical considerations that I should take into contemplation when doing research. My research question from week one’s assignment, can increased adult supervision on cyberbullying reduce suicide rates for generation Z is a topic that can be a vulnerable risk to participants. As a communication researcher, it is always imperative to consider ethical methods to prevent inaccuracy and ensure information is valid.

Based on the research assignment I would use empirical research approach. I choose this research method based on my subjects. I believe both questions should be solved by using verifiable evidence. The study should include two parents, a teacher, and two students of the Z generation. I would also like to include a victim’s family who has committed suicide due to cyberbullying. I would choose two parents and two students, one who faces the side of being bullied and one who is known as a bully so that I can gather information from both opposing sides. I think it is important to include a teacher as well to get feedback because they spend just as much time with both kinds of students. Including information from a victim’s family point of view can help with tying results from cyberbullying.

The hypothesis, the relationship between cyberbullying and high suicide rates should only include the ages of the studies who are bullied and who are bullying. Based on the research question it is important the participants remain anonymous. It would be critical to ensure that the information of the participants remain confidential such as names, residents, and school information since the research can be sensitive. If I was a part of this research study, I too would like to remain anonymous but would want the information I share during the research to be available to be used for anyone’s research.

Questioning is important when it comes to research. Coming up with questions that are direct helps with the research being ethical. Wording can be tricky, people come from different backgrounds, religion, and culture. Depending on what is asked and how can vary when it comes to answers. Questions should remain concise, simple, and clear. I do not believe anything that is asked should be exaggerated or complicated so that collecting data will not be difficult. There are a plethora of ways to collect data such as a questionnaire or survey. I think as long as you evaluate everyone’s background hen questioning you should gain concrete responses that could potentially harm the data needed for research.

Since the wording is a crucial part of research it is crucial to word questions carefully so there is no room for deceit. You want to avoid deception as much as possible. Deception can cause an error in research in which could result in providing inaccurate data. This is not to deception is fully avoidable and that you may not receive false information. As part of being a researcher, it is your duty to investigate. A part of researching is studying, investigating, and being able to navigate through inaccurate information. By giving concise directions and clear questions as well as investigating the information giving helps with not receiving false information. With such a sensitive topic it can cause someone to be more guarded and give misleading information.

Some potential risk with the hypothesis that I choose would be vulnerable students, emotional parents, and questionable teachers. Another risk could include others trying to that disprove my research could be a risk as well. Another risk would be time. Research can be very intensive and require lots of data to give as much accurate information. This could potentially take time. Since this would be a delicate situation that involves students, teacher, and parents time would be important. Timing is everything, as we don’t want research to interfere with students’ everyday studies, parents’ jobs, and effect teachers from doing their job.

Coming up with a research study and developing a hypothesis results in lots of research. As a researcher, it is important to keep research ethical. There are so many factors that can cause research to become unethical. It is important to know exactly who your subject is. Once you identify who is needed to participate in your research this allows you to develop questions for your research topic. It is important to ask questions to participants that are clear and direct. You also want to follow up with any additional research to answers from your participants so that there is no false information provided. If the research is done respectfully and properly you should be able to keep all information ethical and accurate.

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