Creativity in Motion: Creativity Seminar Team B Final Project PowerPoint Presentation

Creativity in MotionCreativity Seminar

BSCOM/4352/19/2018Shannon Sorenson

Table of Contents


Scientific Creativity: Based on factsArtistic Creativity: skill and talent

Understanding Creativity and Applying it to Problem Solving SolutionsCreativity is affected by many factors that in many cases are beyond a person’s control.

Creativity is a distinguishing characteristic of human excellence in every area of behavior. —E. Paul Torrance

Problems and Why People Struggle with Thinking Outside the Box

Where does thinking outside the box fail?What are traditional approaches and are they helpful or hinder

The main point of this activity is to focus on the fact that we tend to stick too much to the rules even though there were too few rules in this activity and how making too many assumptions greatly hinders our ability to think creatively and come up with new, out of the box solutions to solve problems.

Activity #1Creative Thinking- Paper Aeroplanes

Retrieved from Image:

UnderstandingLack of & better understanding Fully experience of problemRedefining the problemMental & Emotional BlocksHandling of stressorsOpenness

Potential Creative Blocks

Retrieved from Image:

Teaching Creativity

Question Everything

Activity Time: Game #225 items…

The objective is to demonstrate that creativity is more likely to flourish under unstructured than under structured supervision.

Game Retrieved from:

Creativity; innate or learned behavior


Anbe, K. M. (2016). Three studies on culture and creativity: The influence of cultural syndromes, multicultural personality, and multicultural experience on divergent, convergent, and holistic tasks of creativity (Order No. 10300238). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. (1847950621). Retrieved from Cangemi, J., & Miller, R. (2007). Breaking-out-of-the-box in organizations: Structuring a positive climate for the development of creativity in the workplace. Journal of Management Development, 26(5), 401-410.doi: Pîrvu, B.,C.S., Leoveanu, I. H. T., Diaconu, I. F., & Cosman, D. (2016). Intensive creative episodes and creative blocks. Romanian Journal of Artistic Creativity, 4(4), 3-14. Retrieved from Weisberg, R.W. (2006). Creativity: Understanding innovation in problem solving, science, invention, and the arts. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons,Inc. Retrieved from!/4/2/2@0:0

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