business communication

Data credibility is one very important aspect of business communication. However, there are very many a case where data isn’t credible is very important to identify it. An example is where data is normally consistent. A case where statistics of people smoking tobacco in various schools across different social settings and data remain consistent and similar, this data or information will not be considered valid and lacking credibility to reflect various settings. Another reason where data might not be considered credible is where the source isn’t considered credible by itself. A firm doing research that has been involved in several scandals might not be trusted to provide credible data. Credible data and information come from credible sources and vice versa.

  1. What are some reasons you might consider data or information to lack validity, credibility, or reliability?  Explain your answer by using examples.

There was a time where at the work place where going on with business as usual was not possible any more. The business was not performing well and thus encountering losses and something had to be done to counter the situation. Some employees had to be fired. Our boss called us all and said “with the current situation, some of you need to be involuntarily separated”. Positively said but means losing a job. There was also a situation where a fellow came and hurriedly told me “ she died “ , when my aunt was in hospital. She normally refers to his car as ‘she ‘. His car had developed a mechanical problem so he meant the car wasn’t functioning anymore. It wasn’t pleasing to me at all when I later understood him.

  1. share a time in the work place you’ve used euphemism (a neutral or positive expression) and dysphemisms (which is the opposite) *example for euphemism would be like a care sales man saying “pre-owned” instead of “used-car”

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