Hazardous Waste – Essay

Hazardous Waste Columbia Southern University Abstract This paper will provide information about the four characteristics of a hazardous waste. There are four lists of hazardous waste that will be discussed. The manifest system of tracking hazardous waste will be explained. A description of treatment, storage, and disposal facilities in my area will be provided. There […]

BEM 0331 Unit VII Case Study

I will first start by providing some information about the case study. The United States banned the importation of shrimp caught in ways that harm endangered sea turtles. This ban was applied both to United States shrimpers and to shrimpers abroad. For shrimp to be acceptable for market in the United States, the shrimp had

BEM 0331 Unit V Assessment

Question 1 50 out of 50 points       Write an essay consisting of at least 500 words addressing all of the following topics (a through e): a. Why is the pesticide aldrin no longer used? b. What types of information are used for hazard identification? c. Summarize the most important points about the

Water Pollution – Essay

Water Pollution UNIT II ESSAY COLUMBIA SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY There are many types of water pollution, but I will touch on the impact of soil erosion on water quality in receiving waters, the dissolved oxygen profile downstream of a wastewater discharge, eutrophication of lakes, and sources of groundwater pollution. I will describe drinking water sources and

BEM 4351 Unit I Assessment

Review Test Submission: Unit I Assessment Content User   Course BEM 4351-18F-2B20-S2, Environmental Technology Test Unit I Assessment                     Attempt Score Grade not available.   Time Elapsed 20 hours, 45 minutes Instructions Assessment Instructions Results Displayed Submitted Answers, Correct Answers, Feedback Question 1 40 out of

Municipal Solid Waste and Landfills – Essay

Municipal Solid Waste and Landfills Columbia Southern University Abstract This paper defines municipal solid waste (MSW) and explores the beneficial uses of MSW. Beneficial uses of MSW landfills will be addressed. People need to understand the difference between a dump and a landfill. Understanding the differences and ways that MSWs are disposed of will help

BEM 0331 Unit II Assessment

Question 1 50 out of 50 points       Write an essay consisting of at least 500 words addressing all of the following topics (a through e):a. Describe why, historically, tort law has been insufficient at solving environmental problems. b. Prior to having an administrative body such as the U.S. EPA, discuss the effectiveness

BEM 0331 UNIT VIII Article Critique

UNIT VIII RESEARCH PAPER COLUMBIA SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY Introduction I decided to write my research paper on the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). The Safe Drinking Water Act is the federal law that protect public drinking water supplies throughout the nation (Safe drinking water act, n.d. Under the Safe Drinking Water Act, Environmental Protection Agency

BEM 0331 Unit IV Case Study

John Rapanos was charged in federal court with violating the Clean Water Act (CWA) after backfilling approximately fifty-four acres of land he owned in Michigan without first obtaining a permit issued by the United States Army Corps of Engineers (Rapanos v. United States,, n.d.). In 1988 John Rapanos asked the Michigan Department of Natural

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