ESE 668

Creating Assessment-Driven Goals and Objectives Paper

ESE 668 Core Domain S.M.A.R.T Goal Supporting Assessment/ PLAAFP Language/ Communication By May 29, Huang will ask question of others regarding topics initiated by self or others to sustain conversational turn-taking 4/5 opportunities during class or after class. By April 17, Huang will spontaneously request assistance, help or additional information given visual prompts 4/5 opportunities […]

Including Evidence-Based Strategies and Supports in IEP Development

ESE 668 Evidence-Based Strategies Evidence-based practice is a type of intervention which foundations are based on extensive research. Many students learn differently and the best way to teach them is to use the correct strategy based on scientific research. When it comes to special education, EBP is important because it helps educators know which strategies

Present Levels of Performance

Present Levels of Performance ESE 668 Present Levels of Academic and Functional Performance Writing Template   PRESENT LEVELS OFACADEMIC PERFORMANCE(Includes Transition for 16 and Older) PRESENT LEVELS OFFUNCTIONAL PERFORMANCE(Includes Transition for 16 and Older) STRENGTHS OF THE STUDENT Huang has shown on or above grade level performance in Common Core State Standards that include science,

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