MGT 380

Prominent Leader: Nipsey Hussle

Prominent Leader – Nipsey Hussle MGT 380: Leadership for Organizations Prominent Leader – Nipsey Hussle Nowadays, individuals strive into leadership roles when an issue presents itself, and it influences an individual, however, an association as a whole or the entire community. The leader assumes the responsibility of taking on problems and situations to the forefront […]

MGT 380 Final Paper

The Final Paper MGT 380: Leadership for Organizations The Final Paper Introduction: Herbalife and the Leader As indicated in an interview, Kanani (2012), “Leadership is about vision and responsibility, not power.” – Seth Berkley, GAVI Alliance CEO. Leaders are vital in every organization around the world. Leaders set aside their personal agenda to pursue the

MGT 380 week 1 discussion 1

WAYS IN WHICH LEADERSHIP CAN IMPACT LEADERSHIP AT WORK AND PERSONAL LIFE Change can impact leadership at work by; Change can impact leadership in personal life; Effectively communicating what is required to the employees Setting the standards for employees Working together with employees and the members of staff towards achieving the set goals.

MGT 380 week 1 discussion

After watching the Change is good clip, I realized that there is a lot to be learnt both at personal and also leadership at work. The ones well spelt out in the work side of life is how to effectively communicate what is required to the employees. There is nothing that beats telling your employees

MGT 380 week 2 discussion 1 and 2

Discussion 1 Transactional leadership is a kind of managerial leadership where it focuses mainly on supervision, organization and group performance. It is a style that the leader promotes working and compliance through rewards and punishments to motivate and counter wrong doings in the workplace. On the other hand, transformation leadership is a leadership that focuses

MGT 380 week 3 discussion 1

Leaders who cannot understand cultural differences in people cannot lead or manage them There are several cultures in the world. They vary from some common to us and others appear very wild and weird depending on how we view them. As a leader, you should always be in a good position of relating with everyone

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