PHIL 200 Intro to Ethics Unit 4

Which of the following best defines virtue-based ethics? Answer: An ethical theory that emphasizes moral character over principles.A theory of ethics that asserts that actions reveal and reinforce personal characteristics Choose the true statement about virtue-based ethics. Answer: Actions are evaluated based on how the action reveals the actor’s character. Jean lies to her boss […]

PHIL 200 Intro to Ethics Unit 3

Unit 3 Challenge 1 For a utilitarian, which consideration is most important? Answer: The consequences of an action Why is utilitarianism an objectivist or relativist theory? Answer: Utilitarianism is objectivist because it asserts that everyone should act to increase utility. Which of the following considerations is important for a utilitarian when evaluating the morality of

PHIL 2070 Unit 4 Submission: Fate or Free Will

American Intercontinental University In Locke’s theory, the belief is that “all knowledge comes exclusively through experience (SparkNotes Editors, 2005).” The five senses play a major role is knowledge acquirement and people are born with a blank slate. Throughout life the slate is imprinted with knowledge and grows over time. The theory supports God offering a

PHL 1010 Assessment 5

Question 1   Ridicule occurs when:     someone tries to cast suspicion on another by making fun of or embarrassing the person     someone praises the accomplishments of another     someone tries to encourage another person     someone attempts to reinforce a point 8 points   Question 2   Proof surrogates

Important Problem: Obesity

Name: Jeremy Rodriguez Important Problem: Obesity Example Important Problem: Ocean Pollution Critical Thinking Question Domain of Thinking Intellectual Standard/Element of Thought Fact, Preference, or Judgement Example: What is the leading cause of pollution in the world’s oceans and its impact on ocean life? Ecology The intellectual standard related to this question is clarity because in

PHIL 2070 Unit 1 Submission: Ethics

American Intercontinental University Ethics, by many definitions, are said to be governing rules for one’s life. One must look at personal belief systems and actions chosen to support the chosen belief system. Ethics direct a person’s thought processes and the development of such processes. Ethics are not uniform and cannot be specifically reproduced in society.

Decision-Making Table

Unit VI Assignment Decision‐Making Table For this assignment, you will apply analytical reasoning and identify strategies for self‐assessment to reconsider your decision‐making patterns. You will need to complete a table with four columns to complete this task. In the first column, you will provide two personal examples where you acted in accordance with one or

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