Ethics Milestone 2

Stefan is from Spain and is visiting Denmark. He finds himself very popular among native Danes because they like his casual and relaxed nature. When Stefan is invited to a local family’s home for dinner, he arrives late and is surprised that his hosts have seemingly taken offense.

PHILL100 – Introduction to Ethics Milestone 3

1 Which of the following people would likely be satisfied with Kantian deontology? Gary is looking for an ethical framework that originates outside humanity. Gina is looking for an ethical framework that is conscious of an act’s negative effects. Gosia is looking for an ethical framework that is based in a society’s laws and rules.

PHILL100 – Introduction to Ethics Milestone 1

1 An argument is strong and the conclusion is true, but both premises are false.  Which of the following terms best describes the argument? Unsound Sound Uncogent Cogent CONCEPT Evaluating an Argument 2 Which of the following is a benefit of philosophy? Philosophy improves critical thinking skills. Philosophy makes everyone’s opinion equal. Philosophy more easily

Milestone 1

1Which of the following is a deductive argument? Traffic is very heavy today. When traffic is heavy, I take the bus to work. I will take the bus to work today. Helen was seen exiting the alley after a robbery had taken place. It follows that Helen committed the robbery. Every time I’ve visited the

Ethics Milestones

Ethics Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between philosophy and science? Philosophy is concerned with how to understand and interpret scientific facts. Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between philosophy and science?Philosophy helps define concepts that are at the center of scientific study. Philosophy pursues truths that cannot be

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