Factors That Influence Human Behaviors – PowerPoint Presentation

Factors That Influence Human BehaviorsColumbia Southern University

Many Factors Influence Human Behavior

Human behavior has been studied for centuries by some of the worlds most prominent doctors and scientists, but there is still a lot of work to do before we can know what exactly controls human behavior. There are many factors that influence human behavior. Most factors can be lumped into three categories; these categories are Biological Factors, Evolutionary Factors, and Environmental Factors.

Biological Factors

(Panyam, 2016)

Biological Factors of Behavior

Most physical traits are passed down from parents to children, but what behaviors can be attributed to genetics? Social issues such as being bi-polar or schizophrenic are often unavoidable. The amounts of certain neurotransmitters such as Gaba, Serotonin, Dopamine and Acetylcholine the human body naturally produces can often effect people without them even knowing it. There is a very strict recipe for a human cocktail, sometimes it isn’t mixed quite right. Biological factors can often be the most difficult to overcome.

Biological Factors of Behavior

Norepinephrine, Adrenaline, Cortisol, and Melatonin are all hormones that may have an effect on ones behavior. Adrenaline and Melatonin are probably the most recognizable. Adrenaline is a powerful hormone that seems to supercharge humans in times of distress. Melatonin has been very popular lately and is used primarily as a sleep aid.

Evolutionary Factors

(Egglefield-Frenette, 2015)

Evolutionary Factors of Behavior

The term evolution is often coupled with the phrase “survival of the fittest.” This same correlation can be made in evolutionary psychology. To be able to adapt and overcome adversity is one of humans most amazing talents. Humans can survive almost any environment when given even a tiny window of time to adapt. Evolution can often be the best way to change bad behaviors into good ones.

Environmental Factors

(Grubasek, 2014)

Environmental Factors of Behavior

Environmental factors can have a huge effect on behavior. When a child is trapped indoors by weather conditions, that child may become sedentary. Once the child’s body becomes accustomed to this lifestyle, it may very difficult to promote a more active lifestyle when good weather returns.

Environmental Factors of Behavior

Another environmental factor to consider is social standing. When a child finds him or herself at the bottom of the social ladder, they may start to show signs of social anxiety or even depression. It’s very important for parents to assist early in the child’s life in order to prevent this problem. Sports or other social groups are good ways to help keep a child from succumbing to this issue.

Nurture vs. Nature

“Nature”, as it is used in psychology, can be described as the characteristics we exhibit based on innate qualities, while “Nurture” describes qualities one gathers from personal experience. Some characteristics one might attribute to nature are reflexes or basic instincts of survival, while some characteristics classified as nurture might be the way someone opens the door for a lady or says “bless you” when someone sneezes. They are both very different sources, but still lead to a somewhat unconscious behavior.


Panyam, K. (2016). Trending Post. Retrieved from: https://trendingposts.net/trending-news/eye-colour-tip-determine-smart-kids/3/Egglefield-Frenette, L. (2015). Concevoir pour motiver – La psychologie derrière la gamification. Retrieved from: http://ellicom.com/blogue/assets/Concevoir-pour-motiver_web-346×280.pngGrubasek. (2014). Mama to Ja. Retrieved from: http://www.mamatoja.pl/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/grubasek-578×483.jpg

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