Change Management Report

Change Management Report

HRM 552

Change Management Report

A small manufacturing company has decided to make some management change in order to remain competitive with other small manufactures and has design a strategic plan to remain operational. The design training program will ensure employees have the requirement skills that will be align with the new strategic development. The company purpose that some employees will be uncertain on essential changes, furthermore, the training department has determine some barriers resistance utilizing some organization development abilities in order to answer any employee struggle issues. This change management report will recap training development that will consist of strategies enabling the align training with the directions, the advance align training with business strategies, along with organization development definition, steps regarding change management, organizational need skills that will be effective in the new design training development program, furthermore, the delivery and legal considerations in the change management report.

Strategies for Aligning Training with Strategic Direction

It is very imperative for an organization to have a strategy plan to remain competitive and achieve its goals to guarantee the training plan is align with the organization design strategic directions, furthermore, the training manager must recognize barriers and identify goals that will optimistically support the training. The alignment training will begin with analyzing the strategic design plan to determining any new requirements for employees are necessary. Barriers that are recognize and solved the required knowledge, skills, including abilities to stay meticulously to the align strategic direction of the manufacturing strategic direction allowing the company to achieve organization objective goals, individual goals, educating employee knowledge, including cultivating employees skills and abilities needs. According to Ben-Hur, Jaworski, & Gray, D. (2015), indicated that in many companies, the governance structures for learning and development can dilute the immediacy of the contact with the rest of the business.

Process to Align Training with Business Strategies

Perhaps knowing the organization goals is imperative because the process of aligning training will be successful if the align is perfect. The company main thing is to ensure they have a key strategic statement regarding vision and mission statement align. Furthermore, the support from upper management in regards of learning and development is the main vital path to business strategy. Employees will have to achieve some kind of strong communication connection within the mission or other resources availabilities. Along with fine tuning the design strategic plan toward the right direction to recognize any gaps within the internal organization effectiveness and efficiencies. Align training process for all employee must participate in the organization mission, available resources, and any needed area for support. Communication on areas of improvement, furthermore, what is needed or adjustment area. Recognizing these adjustment should be completed in addition to ideas of best approaches. Adjust strategic plan to align with business strategies and organization future alignment path. If the manufacture company main its alignment planning with business strategies properly identify and revise will lead into the right business strategy direction. According to Bingham (2010), working effectively in this new environment means embracing a model for aligning and integrating learning with the values, strategies, goals, and metrics of the organization in much more intentional ways. The organization is accountable to ensure that all employees are accurately skilled including ensure operation is the best in the competition world. Even though if the align training process is align with business strategies there will always be questions regarding stakeholders, performance barriers in the future.

Organizational Development (OD) Definition

Organizational Development is consider to be part planning and implementation within the internal environment and in how it manages its internal operations, OD deals with creating and implementing planned change ( Blanchard & Thacker, 2013). Furthermore, organization development is another approach that is used to diagnosis problems that interfere with effectiveness including imaginably other essential causes.

Steps Involved in Change Management

The require steps for an effective change management is to recognize what has to be improved since many changes deals with enlightening procedure to focus and clarify organizations goals, furthermore, any resource that may be available for individual to learn the process. Another idea is to present the new change with available stakeholders including top management regarding the finance of the new change management training in addition to onboarding of new employee’s requirements, length of training time, and communications within all department of the organization. Preparedness for change will be crucial for employees to learn and summarize strategic plan outline. Resources availabilities to train employees, retrain for future changes of computer software including future manufacture growth. Another step will involve will be outstanding communication throughout the process while each employee already has establish their knowledge, skills, in addition to abilities in a clear two way communication to solve any gap issues. Resistance will be normal with any new change management but it may be possible the design strategic plan can be threaten if issue are not solved in time.

OD Skills required to be effective in Training Program Development and Deliver

The mixed strategy can be used in order to have an effective training programs development. This strategy ensures the fit between the training and the training needs, but the organization must shoulder all the development costs. These costs may be offset by the reduced staffing needs (Blanchard & Thacker, 2013). This strategy may be cost effective while delivering the training as needed. This report brings new ideas on how to build and upgrade job relevant skills, focusing on three types of training programs relevant for individuals who are leaving the formal general schooling system or are already in the labor market: pre-employment technical and vocational education and training (TVET); on-the-job training (OJT); and training-related active labor market programs (ALMPs) (Almeida, Behrman, & Robalino, 2012). Another way of delivering method can also be divided by cognitive or behavioral methodologies. Techniques of cognitive regarding data information by either transcribed or perhaps verbally can determine relationships between conceptions. The behavioral techniques allows the training manager to practice either in a real or simulated approach so employees can learn to improve their organization skill development including both attitude and abilities.

Legal considerations in Training Development

Developing a strategic training plan for legal compliance is a well program that will include many subject to prevent lawsuit regarding safety training, or discriminating against employees in addition to any necessary training. Many organization certain laws are place to protect all employee and business practice. Title VII of the Civil Rights of 1964, is noticeable in many organizations across United States and require for retraining several times a year.


Organization training activities has been making a phenomenal impacts on many performances for human resource to employee performance. A perfectly well align design of learning development perseverance is great for strategic level for any organizations that wants to compete with other organizations. In order for an organization to be effective, training manager must execute all learning including other development strategies that possibly need some learning infrastructures in order to have leverage with new technology changes.


Almeida, R., Behrman, J., & Robalino, D. (Eds.). (2012). Right skills for the job? : rethinking training policies for workers. Retrieved from

Ben-Hur, S., Jaworski, B., & Gray, D. (2015). Aligning corporate learning with strategy. MIT Sloan Management Review, 57(1), 53-59. Retrieved from es

Bingham, T. (2010). Aligning learning with organizational results. Information Outlook, 14(6), 10-12. Retrieved from

Blanchard, P. N., & Thacker, J. W. (2013). Effective Training (5th ed.). Retrieved from!/4/2/2/4@0:0

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