Chapter 7: Using Data Flow Diagrams

Chapter 7

Using Data Flow Diagrams

Key Points and Objectives

Data flow diagrams (DFDs) are one of the main methods available for analyzing data-oriented systems.

Through the use of (DFDs), which emphasize the logic underlying the system, the systems analysts can put together a graphical representation of data movement through the organization.

The data flow approach has four main advantages over the narrative explanation of the data movement. They are:

A.Freedom from committing to the technical implementation of the system too early

B.Further understanding of the interrelationships of systems and subsystems

C.Communicating current system knowledge to users through data flow diagrams

D.Analysis of the proposed system to determine if all the data and processes have been defined

Four basic symbols are used to chart data movement on data flow diagrams. They are:

A.A double square for an external entity—a source or destination of data

B.An arrow for movement of data from one point to another

C.A rectangle with rounded corners for the occurrence of transforming process

D.An open-ended rectangle for a data store

Correct naming of data flow objects is necessary for good communication. Guidelines are:

A.External entities should be named with a noun.

B.Processes should be named:

i.A system name

ii.A subsystem name

iii.With a verb-adjective-noun format

C.Processes should have a unique reference number.

D.Data stores should be named with a noun.

6.Use the following guidelines to develop a data flow diagram:

A.Make a list of business activities.

B.Create the context level diagram, including all external entities and the major data flow to or from them.

C.Create Diagram 0 by analyzing the major activities within the context process. Include the external entities and major data stores.

D.Create a child diagram for each complex process on Diagram 0. Include local data stores and detailed processes.

7.Detailed data flow diagrams may be developed by:

A.Analyzing what happens to an input data flow from an external entity.

B.Analyzing what is necessary to create an output data flow to an external entity.

C.Examining the data flow to or from a data store.

D.Analyze a well-defined process for data requirements and the nature of the information produced.

8.Unclear areas of a data flow diagram should be noted and investigated.

9.An interface data flow is data that is input or output from a child diagram that matches the parent diagram data flow.

10.Processes that do not create a child diagram are called primitive processes. Logic is written for these processes.

11.The following conditions are errors that occur when drawing a data flow diagram:

A.A process that has only input data flow to it or only output data flow from it.

B.When data stores or external entities are connected directly to each other, in any combination.

C.Incorrectly labeling data flow or objects. Examples are:

i.Labels omitted from data flow or objects.

ii.Data flow labeled with a verb.

iii.Processes labeled with a noun.

D.Too many processes on a data flow diagram. Nine is the suggested maximum.

E.Omitting data flow from the diagram.

F.Unbalanced decomposition between a parent process and a child diagram. The data flow in and out of a parent process must be present on the child diagram.

12.Logical data flow diagrams show how the business operates and include processes that would exist regardless of the type of system implemented.

13.The progression of creating data flow diagrams is:

A.Create a logical data flow diagram of the current system.

B.Next, add all the data and processes not currently in the system which must be present in the new system, giving a logical data flow diagram for the new system.

C.Finally, derive the physical data flow diagram for the new system.

14.Advantages of logical data flow diagrams are:

A.Better communication with users. They are familiar with how the business operates.

B.More stable systems, since the design is based on a business framework.

C.Increased understanding of the business by analysts.

D.The system will have increased flexibility and be easier to maintain.

E.Elimination of redundancy.

15.Physical data flow diagrams show how the system operates or how the new system will be implemented. Physical data flow diagrams include:

A.Clarifying which processes are performed by humans (manual) and which are automated.

B.Describing processes in greater detail.

C.Sequencing processes in the order they must be executed.

D.Temporary data stores and transaction files.

E.Specifying actual document and file names.

F.Controls to ensure accuracy and completeness.

16.Physical data flow diagrams include processes for adding, reading, changing, and deleting records. CRUD is an acronym for Create, Read, Update, Delete.

17.A CRUD matrix shows which programs or processes add, read, update or delete master file records.

18.Master or transaction files are used to link all processes that operate at different times.

19.An input flow from an external entity is sometimes called a trigger, since it starts activities.

20.Elements (or fields) are categorized as either:

A.Base elements that are keyed into the system.

B.Derived elements, which are the result of some operation, such as arithmetic or logic.

21.Another approach used to create a data flow fragment is to analyze events, which are summarized in an event table.

22.Creating a use case is another approach used to develop a data flow diagram. A use case shows the steps performed to accomplish a task.

23.Partitioning is the process of analyzing a data flow diagram and deriving a series of manual procedures and computer programs. A dashed line is drawn around a group of processes that are included in each computer program or manual procedure.

24.The reasons for partitioning a data flow diagram into separate computer programs are:

A.Different user groups should have different programs.

Processes that execute at different times must be in separate programs.

Similar tasks may be included in the same program.

D.Several batch processes may be included in the same program for efficiency.

E.Several processes may be included in the same program or job stream for consistency of data.

F.Processes may be separated into different programs for security.

25.Data flow diagrams may be used to partition Web sites into a series of Web pages when data is obtained from a database table or an external partner. is a technique that allows Web sites to obtain data from a Web server while remaining on the current Web page. may be used to reduce the partitioning of a Web site.

26.Data flow diagrams can be used for several different purposes.

A.Unexploded data flow diagrams are useful to identify information requirements.

B.Data flow diagrams can be used for the system documentation.

Grading Data Flow Diagrams

Grading data flow diagrams can be a difficult task. When designing systems, there is not a “correct answer,” only an optimal solution. Often it is not clear how much to place on one diagram and when to create a child diagram. One suggestion is to have students examine a process and count the number of data flow entering and leaving the process. If the total is greater than four, the process is a good candidate for a child diagram.

If you are using Visible Analyst or another CASE tool to create the data flow diagrams, have the students run some of the analysis reports. A good CASE tool will do much more than act as a graphics processor for diagrams. It should provide much more information than the analyst has entered. Some useful reports are:

A.A data flow diagram syntax verification report for all diagrams.

B.A level balancing report.

Some criteria for grading:

A.Symbols on the diagram not being labeled

B.Data flow connecting data stores with external entities

C.Incomplete data flow diagrams – missing processes, data stores, external entities or data flow

D.Unbalanced levels

E.Processes with all data flowing into them or all out of them

F.Not using Visible Analyst or other CASE tool

G.Missing analysis reports

Consulting 7.1 (p. 249)

There’s No Business Like Flow Business

(See next page.)

HyperCase Experience 9

1.Data flow diagrams may be found in the following areas.

OfficeData flow diagram

Roger RabinGEMS set of data flow diagrams.

Snowden EvansA data flow diagram is on his wall, but what it represents is not clear.

The GEMS (Global Engineering Management System) data flow diagrams start with the context level and may be exploded down to primitive processes. Click on each process or object to view the details. Many of the objects are linked to exercises, with details provided on the linked page.

Hint: See GEMS documentation in Roger Rabin’s office on the table.

2.Context level data flow diagram for the Training Unit Project Development process.

3.Diagram 0 data flow diagram for the Training Unit Project Development process.

Answers to Review Questions

What is one of the main methods available for the analyst to use when analyzing data-oriented systems?

Data flow diagrams (DFDs).

What are the four advantages of using a data flow approach over narrative explanations of data movement?

The four advantages of using data flow diagrams are:

A.Freedom from committing to the technical implementation of the system too early.

B.Further understanding of the interrelationships of systems and subsystems.

C.Communicating current system knowledge to users through data flow diagrams.

D.Analysis of the proposed system to determine if all the necessary data and processes have been defined.

What are the four data items that can be symbolized on a data flow diagram?

They are an external entity, movement of data, the occurrence of a transforming process, a data store.

What is a context-level data flow diagram? Contrast it to a level 0 DFD.

A context diagram is a diagram to conceptualize data flows within an organization. It usually is a list of external entities, data flows, processes, and data stores, which determines the boundary of the target system. On the other hand, a level-zero DFD is prepared to show an overview of the system including basic inputs, processes, and outputs.

Define the top-down approach as it relates to drawing data flow diagrams.

An approach is to prepare DFDs for an overview of the system first, then add detailed aspects of the diagram. In other words, the diagrams move from general to specific.

Describe what “exploding” data flow diagrams means.

It is a process to analyze the system further to identify more detailed aspects of inputs, processes, and outputs of the system.

What are the trade-offs involved in deciding how far data streams should be exploded?

Time may be wasted and understandability sacrificed if data flow diagrams are overly complex. On the other hand, if the data flow diagrams are unexploded, errors of omission could occur.

Why is labeling data flow diagrams so important? What can effective labels on data flow diagrams accomplish for those unfamiliar with the system?

To make the diagrams truly communicative, meaningful labels of all data components are required. Effective labels can help someone unfamiliar with the system understand objectives, functions, and features of the system better.

What is the difference between a logical and physical data flow diagram?

A logically-oriented data flow diagram shows how the business operates. A physically-oriented data flow diagram shows how the system will be implemented using technology and manual procedures.

List three reasons for creating a logical data flow diagram.

A logically-oriented data flow diagram should be created for the following reasons:

A.Better communication with users.

B.More stable systems.

C.Increased understanding of the business by analysts.

D.A more flexible system.

E.Elimination of redundancy.

List five characteristics found on a physical data flow diagram that are not on a logical data flow diagram.

Characteristics of a physical data flow diagram that are not found on a logical data flow diagram are:

A.Distinguishing which processes are manual and which are automated.

B.Sequencing processes in the order they must be executed.

C.Temporary data stores and transaction files.

D.Specifying actual document and file names.

E.Controls to ensure accuracy and completeness.

When are transaction files required in the system design?

Transaction files are used to link any processes that do not execute at the same time but share the same data.

How can an event table be used to create a data flow diagram?

An event table is used to create a data flow diagram by analyzing each event and the data used and produced by the event. Every row in an event table represents a unique activity and is used to create one process on the data flow diagram.

List the major sections of a use case.

The major sections of a use case are:

A.Use case name



D.Trigger type

E.Input name and source

F.Output name and destination

G.Steps performed

H.Information required for each step

How can a use case be used to create a data flow diagram?

A use case is used to create a data flow diagram by providing a framework for obtaining processes, input, output and data stores required for user activities.

What is partitioning, and how is it used?

Partitioning is the process of dividing a data flow diagram into manual procedures and computer programs. It is used after the physical data flow diagram has been created by examining the processes and the data flowing from one process to another.

How can an analyst determine when a user interface is required?

A user interface is required for data flow that connects a manual and an automated process or an automated process with an external entity that is a person.

List three ways of determining partitioning in a data flow diagram.

The following are ways of determining partitioning on a data flow diagram:

A.Different user groups are in different programs.

B.Processes that execute at different times are in separate programs.

C.Processes that contain similar tasks may be included in the same program.

D.Several batch processes may be included in the same program for efficiency.

E.Several processes may be included in the same program or job stream for consistency of data.

F.Processes may be separated into different programs for security.

List three ways to use completed data flow diagrams.

Completed DFDs can be used to ascertain both system’s and user’s information requirements, to interact with users further, and to document the system.

Answers to Problems

Up to this point you seem to have had excellent rapport with Kevin Cahoon, the owner of a musical instrument manufacturing company. When you showed him the data flow diagrams you drew, however, he did not understand them.

In a paragraph, write down in general terms how to explain to a user what a data flow diagram is. Be sure to include a list of symbols and what they mean.

It takes some effort to educate users about data flow diagrams. Is it worthwhile to share them with users? Why or why not? Defend your response in a paragraph.

Compare data flow diagrams to use cases and use case scenarios. What do the data flow diagrams show that use case diagrams have a difficult time trying to explain?

a.Data flow diagrams graphically characterize data flows through a business system and depict the broadest possible overview of system inputs, processes, and outputs.

There are four basic symbols:

1)The double square is used to depict an external entity that can give and receive data from the system.

2)The arrow shows movement of data from one point to another, with the head of the arrow pointing toward the data’s destination.

3)The rectangle with rounded corners is used to show the occurrence of a transforming process.

4)The open-ended rectangle is drawn with two parallel lines, which are closed by a short line on the left side and open-ended rectangle; it is simply a depository for data which allows addition and retrieval of data.

b.Yes, if we want to use data flow diagrams for interaction, necessary background must be provided to users before data flow diagrams will be meaningful rather than confusing.

c.Data flow diagrams show the input and the output from a system, subsystem or activity allowing the users to have a picture of how they will work with the system. The use case diagram shows the activities that occur as well as the actors or users interacting with the activity, but input and output are not included. The use case has less detail than the data flow diagram, and the analyst may have to explain the use case scenario to the users for them to understand how the system will work.

Your latest project is to combine two systems used by Producers Financial. Angie Schworer’s loan application system is fairly new, but has no documentation. Scott Wittman’s loan management system is older, needs much revision, and the records are coded and kept independently of the other system. The loan application system accepts applications, processes them, and recommends loans for approval. The loan management system takes loans that have been approved and follows them through their final disposition (paid, sold, or defaulted). Draw a context diagram and a level 1data flow diagram that shows what an idealized combined system would look like.

The second diagram is on the following page.

One common experience that students in every college and university share is enrolling in a college course.

Draw a level 1 data flow diagram of data movement for enrollment in a college course. Use a single sheet and label each data item clearly.

Explode one of the processes in your original data flow diagram into subprocesses, adding data flows and data stores.

List the parts of the enrollment process that are “hidden” to the outside observer and about which you have had to make assumptions to complete a second-level diagram.



c.Process 1.2, checking that the course prerequisites have been met.

Process 5, producing enrollment statistics.

Figure 7.EX1 is a level 1 data flow diagram of data movement in a tour agency called Marilyn’s . Read it over, checking for any inaccuracies.

List and number the errors that you have found in the diagram.

Redraw and label the data flow diagram of Marilyn’s so that it is correct.

Be sure that your new diagram employs symbols properly so as to cut down on repetitions and duplications where possible.

a.1)Data flow lines should be in one direction.

2)Flow lines shouldn’t be piled up.

3)Cost of tours should be hooked to determine tour desired.

b.The diagram is on the next page.

Perfect Pizza wants to install a system to record orders for pizza and chicken wings. When regular customers call Perfect Pizza on the phone, they are asked their phone number. When the number is typed into a computer, the name, address, and last order date is automatically brought up on the screen. Once the order is taken, the total, including tax and delivery, is calculated. Then the order is given to the cook. A receipt is printed. Occasionally, special offers (coupons) are printed so the customer can get a discount. Drivers who make deliveries give customers a copy of the receipt and a coupon (if any).Weekly totals are kept for comparison with last year’s performance. Write a summary of business activities for taking an order at Perfect Pizza.

A summary of the business activities for Perfect Pizza is:

a.Display customer record. Input is the customer number and the customer record. Output is customer information.

b.Take customer order. Input is the order information (including the customer number). Output is the total amount due for the order.

Send order to cook. Input is the customer order. Output is the cook’s order.

d.Print customer receipt. Input is the customer order and the customer master record. Output is the customer receipt.

e.Deliver customer order. Input is the customer receipt and coupons. Output is the delivered receipt to the customer.

f.Print weekly totals. Input is the customer order and the previous year’s customer order summary. Output is the weekly performance figures.

Draw a context-level data flow diagram for Perfect Pizza (Problem 5).

The context level diagram for Perfect Pizza is shown on the next page.

Explode the context-level diagram in Problem 6 showing all the major processes. Call this Diagram 0. It should be a logical data flow diagram.

Diagram 0 for Perfect Pizza is shown on the next page.

Draw a logical child diagram for Diagram 0 in Problem 7 for the process that adds a new customer if he or she is not currently in the database (has never ordered from Perfect Pizza before).

Perfect Pizza, adding a new customer child diagram.

Draw a physical data flow diagram for Problem 7.

The diagram is on the next page.

Draw a physical data flow diagram for Problem 8.

Physical child data flow diagram, Perfect Pizza:

(Problem 9) Physical Diagram 0 for Perfect Pizza

Partition the physical data flow diagram in Problem 7, grouping and separating processes as you deem appropriate. Explain why you partitioned the data flow diagram in this manner. (Remember that you do not have to partition the entire diagram, only the parts that make sense to partition.)

Diagram 0 for Perfect Pizza is partitioned by grouping the following processes together:

Processes 1, 2 and 3 are all happening when the customer is on the phone, and should be partitioned into one online program.

Processes 4 and 6 are performed after the order is taken and may be grouped into one program.

Process 5 must be partitioned separately, since it is done at a different time.

Process 7 is done once a week as a batch program and must be partitioned separately.

a.Draw a logical child diagram for process 6 in Figure 7.24.

b.Draw a physical child diagram for process 6 in Figure 7.24.

Logical child diagram for process 6, Create Customer Statement.

Physical child diagram for process 6, Create Customer Statement

Draw a physical data flow diagram for process 1.1 in Figure 7.25.

Physical data flow diagram for process 1.1, Validate Customer Account

Create a context diagram for a real estate agent trying to create a system that matches up buyers with potential houses.

Context diagram for the Home Finder System.

Draw a logical data flow diagram showing general processes for Problem 14. Call it Diagram 0.

Diagram 0 for the Home Finder System

Create a context-level diagram for billing in a dental office. External entities include the patients and insurance companies.

Context diagram for the Dental Billing System

Draw a logical data flow diagram showing general processes for Problem 16. Call it Diagram 0.

Diagram 0 for the Dental Billing System is shown below.

Create a use case for the list of six activities for the FilmMagic video rental system. Refer to Figure 7.17.

The following use case is for the six activities of the FilmMagic Video Rental System.

Process ID: 0
Input NameSourceOutput NameDestination
Customer IDCustomerRental ReceiptCustomer
Video Rental ItemsCustomerManagement ReportsManagement
PaymentCustomerTotal Cash ReceivedAccounting
Video InformationVideo Purchase SystemVideo Rental CardCustomer
Returned Video InformationCustomerMonthly Bonus LetterCustomer
New Customer InformationCustomerVideo Rental CardCustomer
Yearly Bonus Letter Customer
Information for Steps
Video Rental Information, Customer ID, Payment
Rental Information, Cash Transaction Information
Returned Video Information
Cash Transaction Information
New Customer Information
Customer Information
Customer Information

Create an event table for the six activities of the FilmMagic video rental system.

The event table for the activities listed for the FilmMagic Video Rental System is shown below.

Customer rents video.CustomerCustomer ID and Video ID are scanned. A payment is collectedFind Customer and Video Records are read. A receipt is printed and cash is acceptedCustomer receives video items and a receipt. Records are updated.Customer
Cash Received Report is printed.Cash Transaction InformationTemporal, dailySend Cash Received Report
Customer returns video items.CustomerReturned Video Items are scanned.Video record is read, Customer record is read, Rental Transaction record is updated.Records are updated.
Management reports are produced.Video and Customer recordsTemporalSend management reports.
New customer is added.CustomerNew Customer FormVerify customer information and add new customer data.Video rental card is issued. Customer record is updated.Customer
Monthly bonus letters is produced.Customer recordsTemporal, monthlySend monthly customer bonus letter.
Yearly bonus letters is produced.Customer recordsTemporal, yearlySend yearly customer bonus letter.

Create an event table for the activities listed for World’s Trend order processing system.

The event table for the activities listed for the World’s Trend Order Processing System is shown below.

Customer places an order.CustomerNew order is received.Find Customer and Item records. Produce a back-ordered item record if an item is not in stock. Update records.Back-ordered Item record is created.Inventory Control Department.
New customer is added.CustomerNew Customer InformationAdd new customer record.Record is added.
Picking slips are printed.Order, Item and Customer recordsTemporal, dailySend picking slips
Shipping statements are printed.Order, Customer recordsTemporal, dailySend shipping statements
Shipping department
Customer order is shipped.Shipping statements, Order goodsTemporal, dailySend customer order
Customer billing statements are printed.Customer and order records.Temporal, monthlySend customer billing statements
Accounts Receivable report is printed.Customer and order records.Temporal, monthlySend accounts receivable report

Create a use case for the list of seven processes for the World’s Trend order processing system.

The following use case is for the six activities of the World’s Trend Order Processing System.

Process ID: 0
Input NameSourceOutput NameDestination
Customer OrderCustomerBack Ordered ItemInventory Control Department
New Customer InformationCustomerOrder Picking ListsWarehouse
Shipping Statement Customer
Billing Statement Customer
Accounts Receivable Report Accounting
Information for Steps
Customer Order, Item Information, Customer Information.
New Customer Information
Order Information, Item Information, Customer Information.
Order Information.
Order Goods, Shipping Statement.
Order Information, Customer Information.
Order Information, Customer Information.

Create a CRUD matrix for FilmMagic.

The CRUD matrix for the FilmMagic Video Rental System is shown below.

ActivityCustomer MasterVideoMasterRental TransactionCash Transactions
Rent Video ItemsR, URCC
Produce Cash Received Report


Check In Customer Video ReturnR, U
R, U
Produce Management ReportsR
Add New CustomerC
Produce Monthly Bonus LetterR
Produce Yearly Bonus LetterR

Create a CRUD matrix for the files of World’s Trend.

The CRUD matrix for the World’s Trend Order Processing System is shown below.

ActivityCustomer MasterItem MasterOrder File
Add Customer OrderR, UR, UC
Add Customer RecordC
Produce Picking SlipsRRR
Prepare Shipping StatementRRR
Ship Customer OrderR

Use the principles of partitioning to determine which of the processes in Problem 19 should be included in separate programs.

Processes 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4 are performed online to create the Warranty Registration file and should be partitioned into one program.

Processes 5.5 and 5.6 are performed in a batch mode and may be grouped into one program.

25.Create a physical data flow child diagram for the following situation: The local PC Users Group holds meetings once a month with informative speakers, door prizes, and sessions for special interest groups. A laptop computer is taken to the meetings, and is used to add the names of new members to the group. The diagram represents an online process and is the child of process 1,ADD NEW MEMBERS. The following tasks are included:

Key the new member information.

Validate the information. Errors are displayed on the screen.

When all the information is valid, a confirmation screen is displayed. The operator visually confirms that the data are correct and either accepts the transaction or cancels it.

Accepted transactions add new members to the MEMBERSHIP MASTER file, which is stored on the laptop hard drive.

Accepted transactions are written to a MEMBERSHIP JOURNAL file, which is stored on a disk.

Physical data flow diagram for the Personal Computer Users Group.

Group Projects

Meet with your group to develop a context-level data flow diagram for Maverick Transport (first introduced in Chapter 4). Use any data you have subsequently generated with your group about Maverick Transport. (Hint: Concentrate on one of the company’s functional areas rather than try to model the entire organization.)

Using the context-level diagram developed in Problem 1, develop with your group a level 0 logical data flow diagram for Maverick Transport. Make any assumptions necessary to draw it. List them.

With your group, choose one key process and explode it into a logical child diagram. Make any assumptions necessary to draw it. List follow-up questions and suggest other methods to get more information about processes that are still unclear to you.

Use the work your group has done to date to create a physical data flow diagram of a portion of the new system you are proposing for Maverick Transport.

The data flow diagrams created will vary from team to team. Encourage students to follow the ideas outlined in Chapter 7 and use good naming standards. They should review their work for drawing errors and flaws. If the group has access to Visible Analyst or any other CASE tool, you might want to have them use the tool to create the diagrams and the analysis features of the tool to check for drawing flaws and errors. Sample functional areas of Maverick trucking might be (in addition to any the students think up):

1.Goods received.

2.Truck loading.

3.Reports and statistics.

4.Shipment scheduling.

– Problems

Use Visible Analyst to view the context-level diagram for the proposed computer system. Experiment with the Zoom controls on the lower toolbar to change from a global to a detailed view of the diagram. Double click on the central process to examine the repository entry for it. Click Exit to return to the diagram. Right click on the central process to display the object menu for the central process. Use the Explode option to display Diagram 0, representing the details of the central process. Maximize the window and double click on some of the data stores and data flows to examine their repository entries. Click Exit to return to the diagram. Zoom to 100 percent and scroll around the screen to view different regions of the diagram; then print the diagram using a landscape orientation. Click FILE, NEST, and PARENT to return to the context-level diagram. Maximize the window.

The diagram is called CPU Context Level.

Modify Diagram 0 of the proposed computer system. Add process 10, UPDATE SOFTWARE RECORD. You will have to move the MANAGEMENT external entity lower in the diagram; place it to the left of process 7, INQUIRY SUBSYSTEM. Create a repository entry for the process and then click Exit to return to the diagram. Print the diagram using a landscape orientation.



Output: 1. SOFTWARE RECORD, an update from the SOFTWARE MASTER data store

The diagram is illustrated below and is in the Visible Analyst instructors solution to the CPU project

Explode to Diagram 10, UPDATE SOFTWARE RECORD. Maximize the window and create the diagram illustrated in Figure E7.10. Connect to the SOFTWARE MASTER using a double-headed arrow. (Hint: Right click on the data flow, select Change Item, then select Change Type, and Terminator Type, Double Filled.) Print the final diagram.

The diagram is illustrated on the next page.

Modify Diagram 8, INSTALL SOFTWARE. Add the following processes, describing each in the repository. Zoom to 100 percent and scroll around the screen, checking your diagram for a professional appearance. Print the final result.

The diagram is on the next page.

Modify Diagram 6, CHANGE COMPUTER RECORD, which is shown in Figure E7.11. This is an interactive, online program to change computer information. Add the following three processes. Create repository entries for each of the processes, as well as the data flow. When completed, zoom to 100 percent and change any data flow arrows that are not straight, and move data flow labels for a professional-looking graph. Print the diagram using landscape orientation.

Process 6.6, VALIDATE CHANGES. This process edits each change field for validity. The input is the KEYED CHANGES. The output fields are CHANGE ERRORS (interface flow) and VALID CHANGES (to process 6.7).

Process 6.7, CONFIRM CHANGES. This process is a visual confirmation of the changes. The operator has a chance to reject the changes or accept them. Input is the VALID CHANGES. The output fields are REJECTED CHANGES (interface flow) and CONFIRMED CHANGES (to process 6.8).

Process 6.8, REWRITE COMPUTER MASTER. This process rewrites the COMPUTER MASTER record with the changes on the record. Input is the CONFIRMED CHANGES. Output flow is the COMPUTER MASTER record, to the COMPUTER MASTER data store.

The diagram is illustrated below.

Create the explosion data flow diagram for process 4, DELETE COMPUTER. The following table summarizes input, process, and output. Describe each process and data flow in the repository. When completed, zoom to 100 percent, move any data flow lines that are not aligned correctly, move the data flow labels for a professional-looking graph, and print the diagram.

Process: 4.1 KEY DELETE ID

Description: The computer ID is keyed interactively




Description: COMPUTER MASTER record is read to ensure that it exists

Input: 1. KEYED DELETE (interface)


Output: 1. NOT FOUND ERROR (interface)



Description: The computer information is displayed on the screen for operator confirmation or rejection


Output: 1. REJECTED DELETION (interface)



Description: The computer record is logically (not physically) deleted from the COMPUTER MASTER data store by rewriting the record with an I for inactive in the Record Code field


Output: 1. DELETED COMPUTER, a double-headed arrow to the COMPUTER MASTER data store

This diagram may be created if there are not 10 diagrams already created for the project. It is not included on the Visible Analyst disk, which has already reached the limit of 10 data flow diagrams. You may request the students to delete another diagram if the limit has been reached. The diagram is illustrated on the next page.

Run the data flow diagram analysis feature (select Diagram Analyze and select Current Diagram). Print the report for each of the data flow diagrams described in previous problems. Examine the diagrams and note the problems detected.

The Diagram/Analyze feature will indicate syntax problems with a diagram. The results will vary from student to student. An example is provided below.

Run the syntax checking report (select Repository and Syntax Check) to produce the Syntax Check report for the diagrams. Examine and interpret the information provided.

The data flow diagram analysis report will check level balancing between diagrams and unnamed data flows. The results will vary from student to student. An example is provided below.

Create an Undescribed Repository Entities report for the diagrams produced in previous problems. Select Repository and Reports, and make the selections illustrated in Figure E7.12. Print the report and make a note of the corrections that need to be made for the design material to be complete.

This report will show diagram components that have not been described. The results will vary from student to student. An example is provided below.

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