Java U. Phase 2

Java U. Phase 2

CIS 406: Java Programming 1

Course Modification

Public static void AddCourse (string strCoName, string strCoDesc, int addCourse, int modCourse, int delCourse)

This method will accept the information needed to add a new course and modify course, then will write the information to the course file.

Public static Boolean FindCourse (string strCoName)

This method will accept a course name and retrieve it from the course file. If the course name is found, it will return true. If the course name does not exist in the file, it will return false.

Public static void GetAllCourse ()

This method will read all the courses form the course file and store the information in parallel arrays for any future modifications.

Student Modification

Public static void AddStudent (string strStuName)

This method will accept the information needed to add a new student and modify student names, then will write the information to the student file.

Public static Boolean FindStudent (string strStuName)

This method will accept a student name and retrieve it from the student file. If the student name is found, it will return true. If the student name does not exist in the file, it will return false.

Public static void GetAllStudents()

This method will read all the student names from the student file and store the information in parallel arrays for further modifications.

Students Registering for Courses

Public static void CourseRegistraiton (string strStuName, string strCoName, string strCoDesc, string strRegCourse)

This method will accept for a course the information needed for a student to register for a course and write that information to the student and course file.

Public static Boolean RegisterCourse (string strStuName, string strCoName)

This method will accept a student name and retrieve it from the student file. If student name is found, return true. False if the name does not exist in the file. It will also accept a course name and retrieve it from the course file. If course name is found, return true. False if the course name does not exist in the file.

Public static void GetAllCourse()

This method will read all courses in the course file and store the information in parallel arrays for any modifications needed later.

Public static void AddGrades (string strStuName, string strCoName, int stuGrade, int graReport)

This method will accept the information needed to add student grades and write that information to the grade file.

Public static Boolean FindStudent (string strStuName)

This method will accept a student’s name and retrieve it from the student file. If student name is found, return true. False if student name does not exist in the file.

Public static void GetAllGrades()

This method will read all the grades from the grade file and store the information in parallel arrays for further modifications.

Student Directory

Public static void CollegeDirectory (string strStuName, string strProName, int searchBar)

This method will accept the information needed to add the student and professor names and writes that information to the student and professor file.

Public static Boolean FindStudent (string strStuName)

This method will accept a student name and retrieve it from the student file. If student name is found, return true. False if student name does not exist in the file.

Public static Boolean FindProfessor (string strProName)

This method will accept a professor name and retrieve it from the professor file. If professor name is found, return true. False if professor name does not exist in the file.

Public static void GetAllStudents()

This method will read all student names from the student file and store the information in parallel arrays for further modifications.

Public static void GetAllProfessors()

The method will read all professor names from the professor file and store the information in parallel arrays for further modifications.

Course Catalog

Public static void AddCourse (string strCatHome, string strCoSearch, strCoName)

This method will accept the information needed to add courses and write that information to the course file.

Public static Boolean FindCourse (string strCoName)

This method will accept a course name and retrieve it from the course file. If the course name is found, return true. If the course name does not exist, return false.

Public static void GetAllCourses()

This method will read all of the course names from the course file and store the information in parallel arrays for any modifications.

Adding courses, students, and grades should be an easy and simple process. Most of what needs to be done is add and modify students, add and modify courses, allow students to register for courses and allow professors to upload grades and make a grade report. Using strings for student name and course name give us a way to add and modify them. Using a Boolean in the code will let you search for a student, course or professor name. This should make it a easy process to do any modifications and relieve any stress when adding students, registering for classes and adding grades to the grade report.

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