CJ 102 Criminology Unit 4 Worksheet

Student Name: _______________________________________________________

After completing the readings, answer the following questions:

Identify major crime trends and patterns.

Major crime trends are property and violent crimes. Violent crimes are serious crimes and usually are assaults, rapes and murders. These types of crimes can be a risk to anyone and are more a concern for the public in that area. Property crimes are crimes that are directed towards property. With this type of crime, property is very seriously damaged or destroyed and sometimes this is by acting in anger or revenge against the owner of property, theft or vandalism done by gangs. The other types of property crimes are trespassing, shoplifting and arson. Arson can sometimes be put into the violent crimes because it can lead to murder of serious harm of a human being.

What crimes are included under the UCR?

Crimes that are included in the UCR are burglary, arson, rape, murder, robbery, larceny, manslaughter, etc. These types of crimes are the more serious crimes both in nature and magnitude. Some crimes are not as easily reported such as larceny or even embezzlement.

How do you calculate the crime rate?

Crime rate is the number of crimes which are reported to bodies that deal with enforcement if the law per 100,000 of the total population. To get to the crime rate, divide the number of crimes reported by the total number of the population then multiply then multiply the result with 1000,000.

Compare the UCR, NCVS, and self-report survey.

UCR gives only the crimes which have been reported to them while the NCVS includes all the crimes which are not reported and those reported to them in total. NCVS crime rates are for per household while UCR are for per cap. Self-report surveys are measures of the level of criminal victimization which have become mostly used as social indicators.

What are crime trends?

Crime trends are the changes in a chosen crime type within a certain defined geographical area and certain time-period. It measures the significant changes in the pattern of crimes in the area over a certain period-of-time.

What is the difference between instrumental and expressive crimes?

The difference between instrumental and expressive crimes is that instrumental crimes are the actions which are performed with the attempt of improving a person’s financial status while expressive crimes are the actions done to vent rage, anger or frustration.

Douglas, J., Burgess, A. W., Burgess, A. G., & Ressler, R. K. (2013). Crime classification manual: A standard system for investigating and classifying violent crime. John Wiley & Sons.

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