Concentric Zone Theory and Statistics

Concentric Zone Theory and Statistics


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Concentric Zone Theory and Statistics

The concentric zone theory is essentially the theory of crime. With this theory being used in the criminal justice system, it helps to develop strategies to fight crime; as well as recognizing the distribution of social groups in communities. Looking at the history of the concentric zone theory which was developed in 1925, as well as learning about the concentric zone models that are used to combat crime in particular areas gives a good understanding of how the concentric zone theory and statistics works together.

Types of statistics

When analyzing the concentric zone theory as it pertains to the criminal justice system,variables such as age, race, and gender are used. Using these variables allows a researcher retrieve specific statistical data. Statistics that can give information about the different zones or areas can also be very helpful because it could help one understand why some people are committing crimes in a specific area. It is very important that law enforcement agencies can come to understand what type of people populate each zone and how those people can best be handled when it does come to a crime. Using the zones to gather information on crimes committed can bring to light the zones that may be more of a problem than others.

Concentric zone theory

The theory of crime, which is known as the concentric zone theory is one of the most vital theories used in the criminal justice system when it comes to developing strategies to fight crime and recognizing the distribution of social groups in communities. When social organizations or groups are observed in urban areas it allows criminal researchers a higher chance of learning the behaviors of individuals and how crime eventually takes place. Although the concentric zone theory can have many benefits for researchers and their statistics in the criminal justice field, overtime the development of criticisms towards the model had formed. Some researchers have come to the idea that the model does not address local urban politics and is only useful in American cities whenAmerican cities were experiencing rapid growth. Many believe that due to the time the model was developed, it was only helpful for that era. Along with every method there always comes criticisms. The Burgess’s model may have its imperfections however; it is still useful in understanding concentric developments in urban areas.(The Burgess Urban Land Use Model)

Concentric Zone Statistics in Practice

The concentric zone theory was developed by Ernest Burgess in 1925. This led to the development of the first school of sociology based in Chicago (Dr. Rodriguez, 2016). Statistical data collected by the SEDL, an affiliate of American Institutes for Research,provided 10 years of research based in concentric zone theory. The data, according to age groups, identified the juvenile crime rates in inner cities spiked from the hours of 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. Implemented as a prevention tool, after school programs chaperone juveniles during these targeted times.It provided opportunities to work with police officers in delinquent diversion activities. Some diversion programs have shown a decrease in juvenile crime rates in cities who utilize this tool (Goldschmidt, Huang, & Chen, 2007). This is one area where utilizing data from the concentric zone theory in the criminal justice system has allowed law enforcement to participate in proactive crime reduction efforts.

Concentric Zone Model

The Concentric Zone Model can be used to explain the degradation of the social status if the data is looked at correctly. In this model there are said to be a total of five zones. Central Business District, Transitional Zone, Working Class Zone, Residential Zone, and the Commuters Zone. While observing the violent crimes that take place in the transitional zone, we see more than often it is believed that these violent crimes happen at night time which is why these areas mostly have curfews to mitigate or prevent crime. When we look at the vast majority of violent crimes committed we see that 52.7% occur between 6 a.m. to 6p.m. Of those, 57.6% of simple assault occurs during this time (Net Industries, 2016). Now thinking through this problem objectively,one can conclude there is an issue of non-employment. Those who do not have jobs are the ones committing the crime. Now,utilization of the Concentric Zone Theory in conjunction with this data can yield effective results.

Concentric Zone Theory and new policies coupled with statistical data

The use of relevant and accurate statistical data in reference to documented crimes within a municipality can be applied to the concentric zone theory to develop new policing policies. That being said, it’s important to understand the dynamics of the concentric zone theory in order to be able to couple it with proper data. The traditional concentric zone theory describes five zones in which the center is the business district. The residences closest to the inner district live in the poorest conditions and usually have the lowest income (Concentric Zone Theory, 2016).

Due to the argument that these inner city areas statistically have the highest crime rates, the data would couple the concentric zone theory and provide a plausible example of how the data can support the theory in order to develop new policing policies. New policies could be implemented that could target these hot zones or high crime areas. Such new policies can include juvenile curfew laws, saturated patrol methods, police foot patrol, public order city ordinances, and other methods.


The concentric zone theory as it pertains to the criminal justice system the statistical information that could be of use may be age, race, and gender of the people that are committing crimes in the different zones. There are many different levels to really understanding the concentric zone theory coupled with statistics. Understanding the dynamics of the concentric zone theory and pairing it with proper statistical data can assist law enforcement agencies in implementing ethical and efficient policing policies.


Concentric Zone Theory. (2016). Retrieved from

Dr. Rodrigue, J. (2016). Geography of Transport Systems; Hofstra University. Retrieved from

Goldschmidt, P., Huang, D., &Chinen, M. (2007). The long-term effects of after-school programming on educational adjustment and juvenile crime: A study of the LA’s BEST after-school program. Los Angeles: UCLA/CRESST. Available at

Net Industries. (2016).. Retrieved from

Roh, S., & Choo, T. M. (2008). Looking inside zone V: Testing social disorganization theory in suburban areas*. Western Criminology Review, 9(1), 1-16. Retrieved from

The Geography of Transport Systems. ((1998-2016)). Retrieved from

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