SDLC Comparison Summary

SDLC Comparison Summary





SDLC Comparison Summary

WeLoveVideo, Inc needs an SDLC that gradually takes in the feedback from the customers to gradually implement a CRM that will satisfy the needs of existing customers and future customers. It should also be in a position to acquire newer customers and retain existing ones while serving them (System Engineering Program Planning, 2016).

To do all these, Agile SDLC has been selected to gradually implement the Customer Relationship Management (CRM). This was selected because of the multiple advantages it brings along with it and the nature of CRM project. The main reason this was selected is because it provides a realistic approach to software development. There can never be an instance where one stage is complete and then moved to the next (Santos, Zorzo & Marczak, 2016). Through practice and continuous development of software, all stages tend to be overlapped.

It was also selected because it is much easier to change the product to customer requirements on the way. Customer feedback can be utilized to develop a product the customers will eventually use according to their specific needs. It is also much easier to test a produce a working prototype to be tested as development continues (Oshana, 2016). Addition of new features is also possible customers continue to use the system. Development never ends once the system is deployed to the end users.

Taking into consideration the demands of WeLoveVideo, Inc CRM, it is imperative to note that the advantages brought about by Agile SDLC will be taken advantages of and challenges will easily be addressed through gradual improvements that will benefit the company and increase it’s sales in the long run.


Oshana, R. (2016). Multicore Software Development Process. Multicore Software Development Techniques, 67-70. doi:10.1016/b978-0-12-800958-1.00005-x

Santos, R. A., Zorzo, A. F., & Marczak, S. (2016). Towards an SDLC for Projects Involving Distributed Systems. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems. doi:10.5220/0005833601580165

System Engineering Program Planning. (2016). System Engineering Management, 275-371. doi:10.1002/9781119178798.ch6

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