Criminal Justice Motivational Theories Matrix

Criminal Justice Motivational Theories Matrix1

CJA/444 Version 6

University of Phoenix Material

Criminal Justice Motivational Theories Matrix

Complete the matrix with at least five motivational theories. Each theory application should be at least 100 words.

Motivational Theory Description How does the theory apply to working in criminal justice and security?
Hierarchy of needs theory Abraham Maslow posits that in each stage of human beings, there are needs that need to be satisfied, the needs are physiological, safety, social, esteem and self-actualization. He argues that whenever a need is satisfied the next one becomes dominant. In the event that you want to satisfy a person, you must be in position to ascertain in which stage they are and focus on satisfying those above or the current ones if not fully satisfied. The theory can be applied to working in criminal justice and security in the sense that in case we have a suspect for instance we can instead of sentencing him or her to prison, talk to him candidly and determine which stage has not been satisfied and make the corrections. Could be the suspect has got no physiological needs such as food, water or even love, we then talk to the family, friends and relatives to provide the same to combat further crimes.
Theory x and theory y The theory is concerned with negativity represented by theory X and positivity denoted by theory Y. under theory Y, managers in a firm are aware that people generally don’t like working and so they must be coerced to do so or directed in accomplishment of a task. Under theory Y, managers are in position to know that people know that work can be viewed like any other activity as playing or even resting and so it is so easy for an average person to be motivated to work. The theory is applicable here in the sense that people are to be educated on the need to love their jobs to avoid untimely sacking by managers as this will lead to court hearings. People should be informed of the vitality of any given job.
Two factor theory Herzberg posits that attitude of a person will always have an impact on a particular task. He argues that attitude goes hand in hand with success or failure of a task. In his ideas, Herzberg identifies intrinsic factors such as recognition, opportunity for growth, achievement, autonomy, time off and health saving among others as having a direct impact on any given task. On the other hand, Herzberg also identifies extrinsic factors which include; supervision, pay and working conditions as also improving work standards or deteriorate. The theory will mostly target managers as they are to ensure that there is balance between intrinsic and extrinsic factors at work place because failure of provision of extrinsic factors like pay will lead to theft of company properties and funds by the affected workers leading to the downfall of the firm.
Self-determination theory The theory argues that people are motivated to work so long as they are in control of their own actions. In the event that a previous accomplished task was under pressure then the psyche is lost. When people are granted autonomy, they are in good position to become competent and even try to create connections with others. The theory is applicable in working at criminal justice and security in the sense that workers should be educated on the need to be determined at their respective areas of work to avoid chaos at work place. Those workers who do well here can easily be promoted on a fair ground and avoid feuds within organizations which at times have led to harassment and even deaths of fellow employees.
McClelland’s theory of needs The theory posits that there are three elements related to motivation of workers that is need for achievement, need for power and need for affiliation. Under need for achievement, it is an urge to excel by a person, while need for power is having or being in position to get people act as they would not have otherwise. On the other hand, need for affiliation is all about wanting to be associated to something or someone. People are to be informed of the importance of education which will help them to achieve in life, have power and get a chance to affiliate with their equals and of which the absence of education will only lead to crime as people may end up joining out-lawed sects in a bid to have power, to achieve or get affiliation.

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