curriculum barrier case study

Provide a list of at least two differentiated instruction strategies and two instructional technologies to overcome those barriers specific to this unit plan

One instructional strategy I would use is Cubing. This allows students to look at a topic from six different angles. The students are grouped based on their readiness. This strategy requires limited use of motor skills. For instance, the students will be grouped and asked to:

Describe the Civil War.

Compare the Civil War to another war.

Associate the Civil War with other issues, topics, or concerns.

Analyze the Civil War by discussing the events and decisions that led to the war.

Apply the lessons you’ve learned from studying the Civil War.

How does learning about the Civil War help you understand events, issues, topics, and decisions that still exist today?

Argue for or against the Civil War. Should the war ever have been fought? Take a stand and list your reasons.

At the end of the session one member of the group presents the perspectives. The notes can be photo-copied or recorded and this is what Robert can use as study guide. Therefore, a recorder would be the instructional technology used for this strategy.

A second instructional strategy I would use is Tiered Instruction. This method will allow the use of various activities and tools to meet Robert’s needs while ensuring that all students learn the same fundamental skills and concepts. For instance, I would be able to use audio books or videos during instruction with Robert. In addition, I would be able to pace the assignments so that he can keep up and follow along. I could extend the time of the lesson and even assist Robert in doing the lesson activity. In addition to using audio books and videos, I could use pointers. This would allow Robert to interact with the book or text or point to pictures or concepts.

Because Robert can use a computer I would create a computer based summative unit assessment. This way Robert can complete the assessment at his leisure during classroom hours.

Explain how each instruction strategy and instructional technology device fit into the TPACK framework.

From my understanding, TPACK says that teachers need more than a general knowledge of a particular subject in order to provide effective instruction. They must have a deep understanding of the content and know the purposes and reasons for using certain strategies to teach content. TPACK says that using technology in instruction is nothing if it is not properly used. The technology must be used so that students learn from and with it. The use of audio books to help Robert ensures that he has access to the content. Given Robert’s disability and because we know that he is an auditory learner it is appropriate to use audio books because they meet his learning and physical needs. Robert not only learns from the audio books, but he learns with the books as well. Having this knowledge about knowing when and how to effectively use technology is what TPACK is all about. Also knowing the student’s characteristics, the lesson content and what strategies to use to best teach it are a part of TPACK (Soong & Tan, 2010).

Explain how safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information and technology, including the respect for copyright, intellectual property, and the appropriate documentation of sources will be incorporated into the lesson. 

The ethics of using digital information and technology pertain to citing sources and giving credit to authors for their work. In a classroom students must know what cites are credible and classroom friendly. Student need to be briefed on internet protocol and etiquette before being allowed to use the internet.

Provide additional webpages, journal articles, and videos that the teacher can also use for future reference (cited in APA formatting).

Rust, R., & Sinelnikov, O. (2010). Practicum in self-contained environment: pre-service for teacher perceptions of teaching students with disabilities. Physical Educator, 67(1), 33-45


Soong Swee Kit, A. & Tan, S. C. (2010). Integrating technology into lessons using a TPACK-based design guide. Retrieved from:

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