Depressive Symptoms & Well Being Of First Time Mothers

Depressive Symptoms & Well Being Of First Time Mothers

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Depressive Symptoms & Well Being Of First Time Mothers

The research was all about the perinatal and postpartum period whereby transition occurs among women as a result of childbirth . Having identified depression as the leading cause of maternal death in developed countries and results to critical health issues for both the child and the mother, hence, the research was very appropriate and feasible. The research aimed at identifying the discrepancies among women in regards to their experiences during the transitional period. The study also aims at providing a comprehensive approach towards dealing with PPD. The qualitative study approach was successful through the use of interviews where 12 postpartum women were interviewed using open ended questions where the participants were given an opportunity to entirely and extensively share their experiences. The purpose of the research was to provide a better understanding as to why some women find the transition of becoming a mother so challenging while others contented after having their baby. This paper is meant to provide an appraisal for the research through a critique method.

The research was made up various components which included the introduction, methods, results and discussions. The components were adequately covered in the research whereby in the introduction part, the statement of the problem was put down which was the depression that women go through after birth. The purpose of the research was clearly cited which was to identify the experiences that different women go through after birth and to provide possible solutions to the challenges faced during this periods. Literature review was adequately covered, whereby there was a research on what it means to psychologically become a mother. The researcher included the framework by giving a rough idea on the research in the introduction part. However, the research questions and objectives are not plainly identified in the introduction.

The method used is the qualitative approach which was made successful through interviewing. The participants were self-selected of 26-44 years of age and were recruited through posters placed on baby well clinics in Oslo Norway. Those who volunteered had to have given birth during last year and were willing to share their experiences. The interview was scheduled with open ended questions where the participants were free to share their experiences and opinions without limitations. Results were clearly pointed out through themes which were supported by participant’s experiences. The themes were clearly pointed out which includes personal approach, social approach and postpartum approach in which under each theme there were subthemes in which the participants shared their experiences. The discussion was adequately covered where the findings were well laid out by identifying two approaches that is the relaxed and controlled and how these approaches affected their experiences in the postpartum period. The researcher identified the limitations of the research which include the influence of the interviewer due to the same age and failing to talk of the interaction between the mother and the child. Conclusion was well done by putting across the opinions, ideas and suggestions of the researcher about the study.

The research was well conducted since there were no cases of biasness. The method of data collection was scheduled interview questions whereby the participants were given all the mandatory and freedom to share their stories and experiences on the postpartum period. The information that the participants gave was clear and there were no cases of intriguing by the interviewers. The selection of the participants was also not biased. The selection was on a self-selection basis to those who met the required standards that is having given birth during last year and women of age between 26 to 44 years and only to those who are willing to share their stories. This method was very appropriate since the participants volunteered themselves and chances are that the information that they would provide would be true since the participants were not forced to be part of the study. Also the research problem was adequately addressed. Through the participants, the study came up with the reasons why some women get depressed and others feel content during the postpartum period. The study provided clear and concise findings that the discrepancies arises due to the expectations that people have. Those who do not have the expectations do not undergo the depression and if they do, it is not as vital as of those who had the expectations.

However, the study also had some pit falls. This included the interviewer who was of the same age and the same gender as that of the interviewees. This could have a great influence on what the participants say about their experiences. Also in the results sector, although most of the themes involved the baby, the women hardly talked of the relationship between the mother and the baby. This could be a very crucial part of the study which went missing and hence adversely affecting the purpose of the study. The research also targeted the study on a specific age group which left some mothers out. This was a great pitfall since in the today’s society, cases of early pregnancies are highly experienced and tend to be the most affected by the prenatal postpartum depression since they are still young and have little knowledge on nursing a child. In this case, the study left out important people who could provide more information on the depression.

In conclusion, the study is a true information collected from various participants who volunteered and not some sort of information which was collected from anywhere and put here. The researcher came up with two approaches towards the findings that is the relaxed and controlled. This means that those women who were controlled by the expectations had vital depressions if the expectations did not happen. However, the women who were relaxed had little or no depression. From this findings, the researcher drew a conclusion that the expectations contribute largely towards depression. However, the study failed to address the interaction between the mother and the child in the themes, hence leaving out some important information in the study. The research proposed that the baby well clinics and midwives had a great responsibility of providing an environment where women talk and share, to sort out their experiences and feelings and clarify that there are numerous ways of being a good mum rather than just normalizing them. Generally, the study was well conducted and ethics maintained in the event of the study making the study incredible.


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