Describe the Six facets of Crisis Management and how each facet impacts on the organization

Describe the Six facets of Crisis Management and how each facet impacts on the organization.

Crisis management is a vital ability that any organization needs to have. Whether in the context of a large company or a small business group, being able to respond timely to threats to the workplace dynamics is vital. Reilly (1987) crisis management is a situation incorporating different conditions a surprise for decision-makers, a risk to high priority objectives as well as a restriction on the time available for response. Reilly (1987) added the idea of the crisis management by giving six facets of crisis management including “how informed the managers are, organization quick response ability, managers access to crisis management resources, managers perceived likelihood of crisis occurring, the organization media management capabilities in crisis and the adequacy of strategic crisis planning (Reilly, 1987).”

Facet impacts on the organization

Organization quick response ability-The financial strength of an organization is determined by its ability to grow, its quick response ability, ability to respond to change and staying power. It is useful to lessen the span of between association basic leadership and to enhance the speedy response ability to meet the difference in requests in the competitive marketing condition.

How informed the managers are-the organization can be negatively affected if its managers and other key employees are not informed about the tools as well as resources allocated for crisis response. In this case, their effort of responding to a crisis condition will be short-circuited by lack of vital information that can be as significant as the home phone number of a key manager.

Managers’ access to crisis management resources-An organization’ s readiness for the crisis may impact the organization negatively. Without effective deployment of resources, good decisions, as well as knowledge regarding crisis management plans, are unnecessary. Therefore, in case of a crisis in an organization, it is the work of a manager to show competence in controlling the crisis by use of crisis management resources.

The adequacy of strategic planning- organizations must plan ahead of a crisis. For this situation, an organization with deficient emergency planning may not take care of the sudden changes or amassing issues in its environment, which can encourage a crisis. Additionally, an organization with deficient crisis planning is probably not going to have particular assets distributed to crisis preparation.

Organization’s Media Management capabilities in crisis productive, fast inward operations may not be sufficient in guaranteeing powerful crisis management consequently the organization may likewise need to translate a noteworthy crisis occasion to its condition.

Managers’ perceived likelihood of crisis occurring- An organization that is probably going to be hit with a crisis may not show large amounts of quick response capacity, access to assets, adequate crisis planning as well as media management capabilities.

After reading the article; what are the major implications for the development of future leaders as it pertains to crisis leadership?

From the perspective of leadership, much has been spent in teaching emerging leaders on how to lead under normal conditions, but not during a crisis situation. The absence of vital development of educational models to better prepare future leaders for crisis situations has been identified in this article (Reilly, 1987). This has led to greater interest in the subject. The demand for leaders who can perform well under crisis situations appears to be changing traditional views of management as well as leadership roles. Moreover, the issue of strategic crisis management warrants future leaders development as it pertains towards crisis leadership in responding to crisis management


Reilly, A. H. (1987). Are Organizations Ready For Crisis-A Managerial Scorecard. Columbia Journal of World Business, 22(1), 79-88.

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