ECE 214 week 3 assignment NUTRITIOUS EATING

Health and Wellness Story

nameECE 214 Nutrition and Health of Children and FamiliesInstructor: DATE:

Health and Wellness Story

IntroductionA nutrient is any component of food that our bodies require for biological functions, metabolism, growth, or maintenance. We need six major nutrients, which can be organized into three categories. The first category, macronutrients, includes those three that we need in large supply (grams daily). The micronutrients are needed in smaller amounts (micrograms to milligrams). Finally, there is water, which does much more than keep us hydrated.

Child Development. Child development is the continuous process of growth of a child from birth until adulthood. The positive experiences children have in their early years are critical for progress in all domains of development, including cognition, emotion, language, motor skills, and social abilities. A child’s development can be measured by observing when the child reaches milestones in each of these areas. For instance, in the motor skills area, a young child often begins to walk at approximately 12–14 months, but it is not unusual for a child to begin as early as 9 months or as late as 18 months.

Intellectual Development 0-2 years of age Children at this age learn by exploring with their hands and mouth. They bang, throw, drop, shake, and put items in their mouths. Physical Development3-5 years of age children are Hopping, climbing, swinging, and doing somersaults begin at this stage. By age 5, many kids can stand on one foot for at least 10 seconds.Young teens ages 10-14 are going through such dramatic changes, it’s normal for them to swing from being happy to being sad or from feeling smart to feeling dumb. They may worry about personal traits that are vital to them, but hardly noticeable to others. With a growing ability to see the consequences of different actions, tweens and young teens are increasingly considering who they are and who they may become. Intellectual DevelopmentPhysical DevelopmentSocial DevelopmentEmotional DevelopmentSpiritual Development

HEALTHY HANDWASHINGThe first and most important prevention technique is a simple but critical one: hand washing. Thorough and regular hand washing is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of infection and disease. Teachers should train young children in proper hand washing techniques and enforce hand washing at appropriate times. Early childhood centers should hang signs that instruct their staff, volunteers, parents, and children how and when to wash their hands properly. All adults should model proper hand washing behaviors so young children can learn (AAP, 2006). Chapter 3 of this text describes proper hand washing procedure in more detail.

Proper Table Cleaning

A bleach solution is a good way to disinfect surfaces. It is effective against bacteria and viruses, is safe, inexpensive, and easy to get (Thiel, 1999). Every day, mix a fresh batch of solution that is ¼ cup of bleach per gallon of water. This mixture can be used to wipe surfaces that have come in contact with numerous germs, such as feces on changing tables, or it can be used to soak hair combs to kill lice. If a staff person has to clean a surface that has been exposed to blood, latex gloves should be worn and the amount of bleach should be increased to one cup per gallon of water (Aronson, 2002).

Menu Planning

A nutrient is any component of food that our bodies require for biological functions, metabolism, growth, or maintenance. We need six major nutrients, which can be organized into three categories.Eating a well balanced diet with a lot of variety helps ensure we meets out nutritional needs while avoiding excesses.


RESOURCESWe can Ways to Enhance Children Activity and Nutrition LET’S M VE.National League of Citieswww.parentsfurther.conThe guidelines suggest that children should do at least one hour of physical activity each day, with a variety of aerobic, muscle-strengthening, and bone-strengthening activities. These can be structured, planned activities or they can be incorporated into a child’s natural, unstructured play.


Goark, C.J & Song, L.A (2012)Health and Nutrition of ChildrenSan Diego, CA: Bridepoint Education,INC.Vaccinessprocon.orgHealthy Children

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