ECO316: Asymmetric Information

There are numerous features while grasping the difficulties that can happen involving financial institutions and borrowers. Asymmetric information which can head to adverse selection, moral hazard, and principle agent issues. Understanding that these issues occur and the difficulties they can head towards is the first stage in dropping them, which directs to a more significant result for not just the financial institution but the debtor as well.

Select a financial institution or market and discuss the causes of asymmetric information.

There are several different kinds of financial institutions that all deal with comparable and various forms of financial transactions. Commercial banks are a type of a financial institution that works mainly with the main part of society. Commercial banks work with straightforward dealings and grasping on to money for customers as well as providing loans. For the reason that commercial banks are a financial institution, they rise the possible to deal with asymmetric information. Asymmetric information is once one participant of the deal has additional data than the other and it permits that participant to generate well-knowledgeable choices and able to hand them an edge in the dealings. In our textbook, it tells us that “Asymmetric information describes the situation in which one party to an economic transaction has better information than does the other party.” (Hubbard & O’Brien, 2017, p283) One-way asymmetric information can occur is by folks who comprehend the financial world more than the other participant included in the dealings. There can be asymmetric information that assists the borrower for the reason that at the time when a debtor heads to a creditor the debtor has additional data and grasping of their target and in what way they organize to get their goal completed. It signifies the creditor has a portion of the data and has to choose only pieces of the data which could head to a terrible consequence for the debtor.

Describe real-world examples of adverse selection and moral hazard problems for your institution/intermediary or market.

Two problems can ascend from asymmetric information, which are adverse selection and moral hazard. Adverse selection is at the time a stockholder is attempting to comprehend the risk between low-risk and high-risk debtors when they are considering capitalizing. Moral hazard is when stockholders are curious if the debtors are using the resources lent in the means they pledged. Meanwhile commercial banks are a frequent financial entity that provides loans which leads to a lot of adverse selections because commercial banks have to acquire the data they have, which frequently can be a slight percentage of info, asymmetric information, and choose what investments are low risk and which ones are high risk. It can head to several problems because there may be a high-risk investment. It could be created to look like it is low risk triggering the commercial bank to get tangled in an investment that is responsible for losing them money if the high-risk investment bombs. Moral hazard is the problems that happen after the commercial bank chooses to capitalize on the new investment. Moral hazard occurs after the investment occurs and the stockholder ponders if the debtor is using the monies lent in the means they said they are situated. If the money loaned is not used in the way the stockholder anticipated, then the debtor might end up failing to trigger the stockholder. In this circumstance, the commercial bank, to lose out on the cash they capitalized.

Evaluate the impacts of adverse selection and moral hazard problems on your financial institution/intermediary or market.

There are several influences that adverse selection and moral hazard has on a commercial bank. It could trigger the commercial bank to create bad investments in several ways. One way is that the commercial bank has difficulties distinguishing for sure low-risk investment are low-risk and high-risk investment are essentially high-risk. If the commercial banks make the incorrect choice then they may well lose out on a bunch of money whichever way, such as they do not earn money on a decent investment or they lose money on a terrible investment. It can be understood as the commercial bank has somebody that desires to open a diner and somebody that desires to open a sports bar. The diner is somewhat diverse than normal and will entice a new type if group such as nerds. This investment might look high-risk because this is not an everyday thing nevertheless if done properly the investment might be low-risk also because it is somewhat different and not several if at all are undertaking it which heads to a huge cash flow. The bar on the other hand seems to look like a low-risk because it is confirmed that sports bar might do very well but for the reason that of all the opposition the sports bar may not be capable to thrive. Moral hazard can be used with these instances also. With the restaurant, the debtors may perhaps have communicated to stockholders a reasonable sum of money will be used to promote this new diner to the people it is targeting for, then if the money is not used to promote this might lead to the diner dying for the reason that they do not entice the correct crowd for this kind of business leading the investment to bomb. If the money lent is used in the correct way the diner might do well because it is somewhat new and somewhat different that entices folks that are frequently ignored.

Discuss a principal-agent problem in your financial institution/intermediary or market. A principal-agent problem is a moral hazard problem between managers and shareholders.

A principle agent problem is an added difficulty that might lead to difficulties for a commercial bank. A principle agent problem is at the time there is a moral hazard between a boss and the stockholders of that business. It is a difficulty that can ascend in a commercial bank very effortlessly simply how a person at a commercial bank gives a loan. If a person provides a loan to a debtor for the reason that they are an acquaintance despite the fact that the investment would be high-risk and perhaps does not have a decent idea to help it work. There is even the possibility that the debtor is working with the person at the commercial bank and the person may possibly be a silent partner as well. It could lead to the person creating a selection that would appear more helpful for themselves then for the stockholders of the business.

Analyze whether your financial institution/intermediary or market can reduce the adverse selection and/or moral hazard problems.

Commercial banks can assist in ending a few of the difficulties of adverse selection and moral hazard by understanding how to get more data that will benefit. To help halt adverse selection is it would be great to identify what inquiries to ask and in what way to look for that data if not simply increased. Moral hazard might be diminished by perhaps tossing a purpose in an agreement to grant the commercial bank a bit more control should a debtor bomb from not accomplishing what they promised the stockholder they would do.


Asymmetric information can head to several problems as written in this document. It is for the advantage and safety of each side of the financial deal that these matters be comprehended. Doing this permits for smoother financial transactions as well as a clearer opportunity that financial transactions such as loans can keep on happening.


Feng, H., Wei, Z., Yongjie, Z., & Xiong, X. (2014). Agent or Borrower? An Incentive of Moral Hazard with China Commercial Guarantee Company. Mathematical Problems in Engineering., p1-6. 6p.Retrieved from etail?vid=8&sid=ed82910d-e873-4167-9ebb-ca1634a2c75f%40sessionmgr4007&bdata= JkF1dGhUeXBlPWlwLGNwaWQmY3VzdGlkPXM4ODU2ODk3JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#AN=100527454&db=a9h etail?vid=8&sid=ed82910d-e873-4167-9ebb-ca1634a2c75f%40sessionmgr4007&bdata= JkF1dGhUeXBlPWlwLGNwaWQmY3VzdGlkPXM4ODU2ODk3JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#AN=100527454&db=a9h

Hubbard, R. G., & O’Brien, A. P. (2017). Money, banking, and the financial system (3rd ed.). Retrieved from

Lemmon, M. & Zender, J. (2019). Asymmetric Information, Debt Capacity, and Capital Structure. Journal of Financial & Quantitative Analysis, Vol. 54 Issue 1, p31-59. 29p.Retrieved from ?vid=3&sid=26227 ebc-12f9-4765-8207-b973f5bbb70c%40sessionmgr101&bdata=JkF1 dGhUeXBlPWlwLGNwaWQmY3VzdGlkPXM4ODU2ODk3JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#AN=134277243&db=bsh ?vid=3&sid=26227 ebc-12f9-4765-8207-b973f5bbb70c%40sessionmgr101&bdata=JkF1 dGhUeXBlPWlwLGNwaWQmY3VzdGlkPXM4ODU2ODk3JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#AN=134277243&db=bsh

Masako, D. & Neal, S. (1986). Moral Hazard and Adverse Selection: The Question of Financial Structure. The Journal of Finance, Vol. 41, No. 2, pp. 501-513. Retrieved from

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