ED 5503 Farmer Mini Intervention 2 – Tracking Accommodations

Tracking Accommodations

ED 5503

Capella University

Students and Accommodations

Student Accommodation
Brooke W. Flexible Scheduling/Timing-Add’l time for task(Total time = time and a half of allotted time) Flexible Setting-Small group for testing 11-16 
Brianna T.W. Other-Written notes, outlines, study guides Flexible Presentation-Verbal encouragement Flexible Setting-Small group for testing 11-16 
Thomas O. Flexible Scheduling/Timing-Add’l time for task(Total time = time and a half of allotted time) Flexible Setting-Small group for testing 11-16 
Ricky S. Flexible Presentation-Repeat/paraphrase directions (student) Flexible Setting-Small group for testing 11-16 Flexible Presentation-Repeat, clarify, summarize directions (teacher) 
Cesar S. Flexible Presentation-Repeat/paraphrase directions (student) Flexible Presentation-Repeat, clarify, summarize directions (teacher) 
Student Accommodation Technology
Brooke W. Flexible Scheduling/Timing-Add’l time for task(Total time = time and a half of allotted time) Flexible Setting-Small group for testing 11-16  Allow Brooke to keep a kitchen timer near her desk so that she may time herself in chunks
Brianna T.W. Other-Written notes, outlines, study guides Flexible Presentation-Verbal encouragement Flexible Setting-Small group for testing 11-16  Allow Brianna to use a tape recorder to gather notes and replay them if necessary.Allow Briana to use Microsoft Word templates to plan writing.
Thomas O. Flexible Scheduling/Timing-Add’l time for task(Total time = time and a half of allotted time) Flexible Setting-Small group for testing 11-16  Allow student to use a kitchen timer. Provide audible version of lesson/assessment if possible
Ricky S. Flexible Presentation-Repeat/paraphrase directions (student) Flexible Setting-Small group for testing 11-16 Flexible Presentation-Repeat, clarify, summarize directions (teacher)  Allow student to use “task cards” to identify what needs to be completedAllow students to complete assignment in chunksProvide audible version of lesson if possible
Cesar S. Flexible Presentation-Repeat/paraphrase directions (student) Flexible Presentation-Repeat, clarify, summarize directions (teacher)  Allow student to use “task cards” to identify what needs to be completed
Student Accommodation Implementing Accomodations
Brooke W. Flexible Scheduling/Timing-Add’l time for task(Total time = time and a half of allotted time) Flexible Setting-Small group for testing 11-16  extended exam time, typically time and one half to double time.
Brianna T.W. Other-Written notes, outlines, study guides Flexible Presentation-Verbal encouragement Flexible Setting-Small group for testing 11-16  assist the student in nding effective peer note-takers from the class.
Thomas O. Flexible Scheduling/Timing-Add’l time for task(Total time = time and a half of allotted time) Flexible Setting-Small group for testing 11-16  extended exam time, typically time and one half to double time. to take exams in a room with reduced distractions.
Ricky S. Flexible Presentation-Repeat/paraphrase directions (student) Flexible Setting-Small group for testing 11-16 Flexible Presentation-Repeat, clarify, summarize directions (teacher)  extended exam time, typically time and one half to double time. to take exams in a room with reduced distractions.
Cesar S. Flexible Presentation-Repeat/paraphrase directions (student) Flexible Presentation-Repeat, clarify, summarize directions (teacher)  to take exams in a room with reduced distractions.

To evaluate the effectiveness of the accomodations students will be receiving, teachers need to reflect on the data given to them by the student. The data could consist of assessments given by the teacher or school. In this particular scenario, data will be used from NWEA testing. The assessment pinpoint certain standards and display how a particular student performs on the standard. If said student has been working diligently to master the standard including the accommodations, the teacher should see growth, if not, then there will be no growth.

  • Identify current classroom accommodations for students with disabilities. 
  • Develop ideas for accommodations, including technology that may be effectively implemented now or in the future.
  • Develop a plan to implement accommodations, detailing a specific change that could be monitored for results.
  • Develop a plan for evaluating the effectiveness of accommodations after they have been implemented.

Conducting an after test questionnaire to give to students is also most useful in evaluating accommodations. In this questionnaire, students will be asked about if the accomodations they received were useful, if the accommodation had any difficulties while being utilized, and if said accommodation should be used again. Teachers and students are able to reflect on what “works” and what does not.

The ESE team will use take the same questionnaire given to the student by the teacher and utilize them in making 504/IEP plans. When it is time for their annual IEP/504 meeting, the student services coordinator will refer back to the questionnaire and any other material the teacher has gathered. The data must show that the student is able to grow an no longer need accomodations.

  • Create an evaluation plan that details the efficacy of the approach taken in implementing the accommodations.

Results and Reflection

Peer-Feedback Form

Ask a fellow peer to provide feedback on what you have written. They should check off the box next to each question, and write a brief comment that will improve their work.

Peer reviewer: Date:

Trait on which to provide feedback Yes No Comments
Identifies current classroom accommodations for students with disabilities.       
Develops ideas for accommodations, including technology that may be effectively implemented now or in the future.      
Develops a plan to implement accommodations, detailing a specific change that could be monitored for results.      
Develops a plan for evaluating the effectiveness of accommodations after they have been implemented.      
Creates an evaluation plan that details the efficacy of the approach taken in implementing the accommodations.      
Is critical thinking evident?      
Is the writing clear and concise?      
Do word usage errors occur?      
Do grammatical errors occur?      
Do mechanical error occur? (Punctuation, capitalization, et cetera).      
Is APA 6th edition used correctly?      

Rubric Instructions: Self-Assessment of Competencies

The idea behind rubrics is to assist you in critically analyzing your work and ability to meet competencies that are aligned to criteria on the rubrics. With self-assessment and reflection of the criteria on the rubric prior to submission, you will have a solid idea of your competency and quality of work. Regular use of self-assessment as a way to reflect will improve your writing and target assignments toward your instructor’s expectations. 

You will use the same rubric that the instructor uses for each assignment. You will grade your own assignment using the rubric, as will your instructor. After submission, your instructor will compare the two rubrics. If they match, you will earn extra points. However, in the end, your instructor’s assessment will be the one that counts.

Process for Self-Assessment

1. Think critically about your work before filling out the rubric. The rubrics must match to earn extra points. So, be honest in your appraisal of your work.

2. Use this assignment template and rubric. Upload to the appropriate assignment area.

3. Assess your assignment according to the rubric. Include comments that share how your assignment meets the level you chose along with evidence from your assignment. Boldface words, phrases, or parts in your assignment that you feel support your level choice and comments.

4. Refer to the boldface when you type your comments in the comments column. This becomes evidence of how you have demonstrated in your work the competency related to the chosen level.

5. Your instructor will assess using the same rubric; if the rubrics match, you will earn extra points.

Criteria Non-performance Basic Proficient Distinguished Comments
Identify current classroom accommodations for students with disabilities. 20% Does not identify classroom accommodations for students with disabilities that are currently used. Identifies classroom accommodations for students with disabilities that are currently used, but lacks sufficient detail. Identifies classroom accommodations for students with disabilities that are currently used. Identifies classroom accommodations for students with disabilities that are currently used, including examples of how they are used in instruction.  
Develop ideas for accommodations, including technology that may be effectively implemented now or in the future.20% Does not develop ideas for accommodations, including technology that may be effectively implemented now or in the future. Develops ideas for accommodations, including technology that may be effectively implemented now or in the future, but lacks sufficient detail and appropriateness. Develops ideas for accommodations, including technology that may be effectively implemented now or in the future. Develops ideas for accommodations, including technology that may be used in the future or others that may be implemented effectively now, including a rationale for selecting the new possible accommodations.  
Develop a plan to implement accommodations, detailing a specific change that could be monitored for results.20% Does not develop a plan to implement accommodations, detailing a specific change that could be monitored for results. Develops a plan to implement accommodations. Develops a plan to implement accommodations, detailing a specific change that could be monitored for results. Develops a plan to implement accommodations, detailing a specific change that could be monitored for results, including specific details in a step-by-step manner.  
Develop a plan for evaluating the effectiveness of accommodations after they have been implemented.20% Does not develop a plan for evaluating the effectiveness of accommodations after they have been implemented. Develops a plan for evaluating the effectiveness of accommodations after they have been implemented, but lacks sufficient detail and appropriateness. Develops a plan for evaluating the effectiveness of accommodations after they have been implemented. Develops a plan for evaluating the effectiveness of accommodations after they have been implemented, including specific details of how to verify that accommodations are working.  
Create an evaluation plan that details the efficacy of the approach taken in implementing the accommodations.20% Does not create an evaluation plan that details the efficacy of the approach taken in implementing the accommodations. Creates an evaluation plan on the efficacy of the approach taken, but lacks sufficient detail. Creates an evaluation plan that details the efficacy of the approach taken in implementing the accommodations. Creates a logical, comprehensive plan for evaluating the efficacy of the approach taken in implementing the accommodations.  

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