EDU 372 Journal: Metacognition

Week 3 Journal – Metacognition

EDU 372 Educational Psychology


Describe metacognition in your own words.

Metacognition is “thinking about thinking”. In other words, it’s not what do I need to learn, it’s about how I learn it best when it comes to academics. It’s about asking students to think about the ways that they can successfully learn. Our text describes it as “our knowledge and beliefs about knowing” (LeFrançois, 2018).

What are some metacognitive skills that you utilize when learning something new?

Examples of metacognitive skills are task orientation (what am I going to do), goal setting (how am I going to achieve this task), planning (how do I reach the goal), a step by step approach, monitoring their progress, self-reflection (is this correct) and reflection (how do I learn or improve).

Why do you think it is important for students to have these skills?

It’s essential for independent, efficient learning. It allows students to self-reflect on what they’ve learned and how they can improve. Learners are setting their own learning goals while applying strategies to achieve them (LeFrançois, 2018). While they are building their metacognitive skills, they show self-confidence and motivation to enhance their success with learning.

How can students be taught to think? Provide at least two examples. Utilize the text and any additional resources to support your response.

Learners must develop an awareness of themselves as thinkers, learners, and information processors. They must also develop and practice the approaches and strategies involved in critical, creative, and practical thinking and problem-solving (LeFrançois, 2018). They must develop cognitive skills to be taught to think. One example of teaching students how to think is analysis. This would involve identifying the elements of the text and understanding what you are learning. Another example would be inquiry. Students need to know how to formulate and solve problems.


LeFrançois, G. R. (2018). Psychology for teaching (2nd ed.). Retrieved from

Youtube (2018). What is metacognition? (Exploring the Metacognition Cycle). Retrieved from

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