Final Outline

Final Outline

Ashford University: EDU 338

A beginning thesis statement of the issue you will be researching. ANY SPECIFIC ISSUE?  YES, but related to what we have been researching in the class!

A discussion of the importance of integrating theory with practice.  INTEGRATING MEANING COMBING THEORY WITH PRACTICE?  Yes, you want to pick one-two of the theories we covered in class (Piaget, Vygotsky, Gardner, Erikson, etc) and the show me how you will apply to your classroom.

Piaget’s theory “involves making a response that has already been learned, or that was present at birth, Assimilation and Accommodation are changes in knowledge and behavior” (Lefrançois, G. R, chap. 2.4). This is as the child grows and learns new experiences which turn into new knowledge. Piaget’s developmental characteristics of preschool age children would fall into his second of the four stages “Preoperational”. There are two “sub-stages” to the Preoperational stage. The stages are Infant and early childhood. Pre-school children are in the second sub-stage. Piaget theorized that from 2-7 year old the children are increasing their language development. Piaget believed that language is dependent on cognitive development. Piaget is a very good reference for Teachers to look to for practices in their classroom. Piaget gives many great examples of how to set up your classroom to accommodate the teacher and the students. The environment helps set the stage of learning thus giving a safe and comfortable feeling in which the children can learn. Once your classroom is set you can begin intergrating some of the research of Piaget’s stages of “Assimilation and Accommodation” and begin the learning process in knowledge and behavior.

Lev Vygotsky zone of proximal development “is the difference between what a child can do independently and what can be accomplished with adult guidance. 

This idea is the basis for the current instructional strategy that requires the caregiver to

 provide maximum help to a child when the child is learning a new task” (Groark, chap. 3.4). This theory works well in the classroom especially in the early stages such as preschool. When the child is learning a new task the teacher gives guiadacne and instruction, then slowly backs away as the child learns to do the tasks on their own (this is called scaffolding). This is how most children and people learn, one is teaching , with a helping hand as one is learning as the process continues the helping hand slowly retracts based on the ability of the one learning. When the task at hand is able to be accomplished with little to no help the teacher backs away and the student continues with success.

A description of cognitive development to human development research. IS THIS COG. VERSUS HUMAN DEV.?   Yes, I want to see how cognitive development is integrated in your human development  – in your own words. 

A summary of relevant and recent brain development research.   ?  So, if your thesis statement is about children with a specific disability, that recent brain research – not all, just that related back to your thesis statement.  Does that make sense?

An analysis of the implications of cognitive theory, human development theory, and brain development theory research on memory, behavior and maximizing learning.  FROM OUR THEORISTS, RIGHT   RIGHT, its how these theories relate to memory, behavior and maximizing learning – a slight twist from d.   So, how you might use that recent brain research to help you with memory, behavior, and learning.   Is that clearer now?


The more fully you develop your outline (I.e., including an introduction, conclusion, depth of description using the text and scholarly research articles)


Groark, C., McCarthy, S. & Kirk, A. (2014). Early Child Development: From Theory to Practice. Bridgepoint Education: San Diego, CA.

Kail, R. V. & Cavanaugh, J. C. (2015). Human development: A life-span view (7th ed.). Belmont, CA: Cengage


Hall, G.E., Quinn, L.F., & Gollnick, D.M. (2014).  Introduction to teaching: Making a difference in student learning [Electronic version]. Retrieved from

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