EDU 510 blog entry – Importance of repeating a task until mastery is achieved3

Importance of repeating a task until mastery is achieved

Learning is a field where new Ideas are learnt and developed each and every day. When doing this, there are many ways to do it but all come down to understanding. People have different abilities doing this this. Some go through something just once while others have to go through over and over again. These group of people need to go through the subject more than once to get to the basis and they should be given the time and opportunity to do this without being coerced or discouraged in any way.

When something is repeated over and over again, learners tend to retain that information more and more. They also tend to learn some other new things that they otherwise wouldn’t have apposition to learn at a go. From this, it is clear that mastery will be achieved more and even a broader wider understanding of the subject at hand.

Penalties on the other hand focuses only on the subject at hand. Chances are high that the student is facing other challenges and is busy thinking about them rather than what is being taught. Discussing to find a solution is the best way as the student will be freed from thoughts and can comfortably handle what is being taught. Penalties also exposes to child to psychological torture rather. Some end up giving up on the topic rather trying it once more. Always giving them a second chance helps them rectify their mistake rather than being punished for the mistakes.

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