EDU 510 Higher Order Thinking and Performance Assistance

Higher Order Thinking and Performance Assistance




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Higher Order Thinking and Performance Assistance

After examining the state of Idaho portfolio rubric from the e-activity, it is found that students are involved in the assessment process whereby they take the ownership since they are engaged fully. The students go through their own portfolios and that of their peers and ensure that they make a lot of sense and that they meet the required conditions. Afterwards the class teacher, judges and the evaluators examine the portfolios and rate the students. This is unlike the other rubrics from the website whereby the teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry and structure of the discipline the teacher teaches then creates learning experiences that makes these subject matter meaningful and useful to the students. The students are therefore engaged in interpreting ideas from a variety perspectives. My district school may experience some benefits if it developed some similar portfolios rubrics which may include the following. Rubrics helps in categorizing the students’ work whereby the student’s work can be graded against the benchmark for success and awards points accordingly.

Another benefit is that with a rubric one does not have to know the student’s name and his or her personal information in order to grade. Rubrics also helps in the saving of time since the teacher does not have to read all the sentences to see its correctness. All that has to be done is to only focus on those areas which are most important. When compared to those highlighted in the e-activity it is found that they are the same when it comes to grading of the students by the teachers and also in placing of the students appropriately. The only contrast is that in the e-activity, the portfolios act as showcases whereby they show the weaknesses and the strengths of the students and also shows the start and end of semesters. When making transition to the electronic format, hypothetical district schools should ensure that all the relevant stakeholders have reached the consensus on the purpose and intended outcomes of the planned technology implementation. Every technology plan should include an evaluation component and multiple evaluation methods should be considered, specified and employed to meet the agreed outcomes. Teachers and administrators should receive adequate and continuing education about how to best integrate technology into their schools and courses and should be evaluated on their proficiency in doing so.


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