Performance Task Analysis

EDU 645 Learning and Assessment for the 21st Century

CLO Evidence (description and explanation including where found ) Self-Reflection (Personal connection & how this will help you construct high quality summative assessments)
1. Assess individual and group performance through use of established criteria for student mastery (including rubrics) in order to design instruction to meet learners’ needs in each area of development (cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical). Using the Grade 4 Writing rubric, there is sufficient evidence to prove that the rubrics are successfully designed to meet linguistic criteria, as well as the cognitive criteria in the developmental learning process.Grade 4 Writing Rubric The included rubrics are well rounded and appear to be developed. They are able to capture elements that are necessary to creating a balanced learning system in my classroom to satisfy the learning needs of my students.
2. Construct formative and summative assessments aligned with content and technology standards and instructional learning objectives to support, verify, and document learning. The Grade 4 Writing Rubric consists of a layout that readily promotes the use of technology that can be used for the expressed purpose of further research.Grade 4 Writing Rubric The rubric provides the information needs for students to be able to utilize their technology to do their work, further their research, and show the evidence of all of the aforementioned.
3. Create processes that guide learners in examining their own thinking and learning as well as the performance of others. This analysis exhibits the creative process and the provisions for how students should successfully summarize their central ideas to a point of understanding for the reader. These rubrics are designed in such a fashion that they will be able to assist me in creating learning designs and patterns that will aid me in the betterment of my students and enhance their thinking processes in the classroom and beyond.
4. Analyze multiple types of assessment data to identify each student’s learning needs and to develop differentiated learning experiences. The design of the rubrics are robust with detail and provide the information required to better craft assessments and furthermore, the specific needs of each student.Grade 4 Writing Rubric These rubrics show that there is a wealth of information that is very useful for my students. It helps in the ability to design rubric that will encompass the individual needs of my students.
5. Generate strategies to prepare all learners for the demands of particular assessment formats especially for learners with disabilities and language learning needs. The design of this rubric expresses the need for all students to use basic language with/without extra and/or outside support dependent upon their understanding of the information.Grade 4 Writing Rubric I find that these methods are able to support students of all learning capabilities. They play into their strengths and seek to amend their weakness. It can encourage peer-to-peer interactions, highlighting student strengths and uplifting students that are struggling. It proves to be a boon for both student and teacher.
6. Employ technology to support assessment practice both to engage learners more fully and to assess and address learner needs. Through design, the rubric is able to show the benefit of technology. It also shows how it can be useful for the gathering of information and further revisions in the future.Grade 4 Writing Rubric The rubric makes use of technology and marries the concepts of traditional learning and 21st century learning. It helps students understand how research can be conducted and will help me design lessons with successful inclusions of technology.

Performance Task Analysis

This template functions primarily on the Grade 4 Writing Rubric, keeping in line with the examples ‘Grandma Ruth’ and ‘The Pet Sitter.’ There are many specifications that need to be followed when dealing with areas of learning; however, primarily, there is a focus on writing here. This can include, but is not limited to: crafting sustained responses, clearly stating opinion while maintaining coherence, and overall completeness of task. There is also the addition of being able to research their work, read informative and informational texts, listening to learn, and of course, writing material itself. In each area, the rubric provides guidelines as to how students should be able to complete their assigned task. It also provides context for how students should be able to adequately handle their learning experiences and how they can elaborate on their current pool of knowledge as well as enhance their overall learning experience.

These rubrics give students and instructors a method by which they can find meaning in learning while providing a foundation for technology to assist in the instruction, research, and possible revision of all involved. These results can be taken from the formative assessment and allow the instructional approach of the instructor to be altered in a way to maximize the benefit of the student. This procedure is the very definition of differentiated instruction. (Lefrancois, 2013) The information that we obtain from these rubrics are assessments of how a student performs individually, but can be used for future instruction. By establishing a set of criteria, educators can create instructions that will truly meet the unique needs of students in areas of development that are in this case: cognitive, social, linguistic, emotional, and physical.

The rubric used for this assessment are the Grade 4 Writing rubrics and provide the guidelines for how rubric should be able to suit the developmental needs of the student. In the second and sixth assessments, we are able to view how the student can use technology to enhance the learning experiences. Part of using technology in the rubric requires students to experience learning with the intent of enhancing their research methods and document writing. (Smarter Balanced, 2017) This template also aids with how a student with a learning disability or special need can find support and skill growth based on individual student levels. It builds the foundations of what support might be needed and what areas that support will be needed in.

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