Journal: No Excuses University Culture of Universal Achievement 01

EDU 650 Week 1 Journal No Excuses University Culture of Universal Achievement

The values statement of our organization reveals in its clarity and simplicity what the people involved feel is most important to the treatment of our clients. It inspires in all of us the beauty and duty we each hold to ourselves and others around us; especially those who need help the most. Our spirituality revolves around the interconnection of all beings and creatures; our goal is to close the circle, rather than continuing to break it through ignorance. With our stated values in mind, we bring action to the words we say. This statement dovetails directly into our mission statement; we wish to help those in our community become well through the traditional healing practices found within our culture. Our organizational success will be measured by the number of people who succeed in travelling the “red road”, the personal successes of our staff in meeting their personal goals to help others, and our corporation’s ability to continue to offer services to those in need. (Burgess, 2010)

Ethical values and legal principles are closely related. It is important to understand that in certain situations the legality of an act may be in question; legal behavior is not always the most ethical choice, nor is ethical behavior always legal. When a law is found to be unjust, steps should be taken to change the law. In certain circumstances of unethical laws, ethical behavior must supersede legal obligations. While it is important to the standing of an organization within the community and its relationship with law enforcement to always uphold the law, there are circumstances where direct challenge must be instituted to bring attention to the ethics of lawmakers.

No Excuses University—Culture of Universal Achievement. Due by Day 7.

“Greatness is not a function of circumstance. Greatness, it turns out, is largely a matter of conscious choice, and

discipline.” – Jim Collins

Upon reading chapters 1-5 of No Excuses University (Lopez, 2013), reflect on the foundational concepts of No

Excuses University addressing each of the listed points. Compose your journal using first-person language.

1. Consider the structure of each chapter. Describe the key elements you observed that make each chapter easy to follow or more readable.

2. Select one “Key Concept” and one “Theory to Practice” statement from any of the first five chapters to reflect upon. Explain why it is personally and/or professionally relevant to you.

3. Chapter five discusses the concept of having “your moment”. What was your moment? When did you know that you wanted to be involved in the lives of students or youth?

4. What are the most common reasons why educators become jaded? What actions might ensure that we don’t lose sight of the commitments that we once made as new educators entering the profession?


The code of ethics developed by an organization is the third step to setting the stage for ethical behavior by its leadership and employees. This code should exemplify the values and mission of the entity, while also providing guidelines for behavior and punishment should violations occur. The goal of all people in the medical profession is to bring clients back to a state of health. Secondarily, their goal is to continue the organization to help others in the future. A code of ethics applies to all who work within an organization; including management, Board of Directors, staff, and volunteers. Ethical behavior and decision making occurs at all levels.

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