Final Research Paper: Action Research Proposal – PowerPoint Presentation

Action Research Proposal

EDU 671- Fundamental of Educational Research


Action Research Focus AreaProblem ExplanationLiterature ReviewEthicsPopulation

Research QuestionsCollection of DataIntervention PlanTimelineReferences

What is Actions Research?

Based on Mills (2014),”Action research is any organized analysis directed by teacher, researchers, school counselors, principals and stakeholders in the teaching environment to collect information on how particular schools teach, operate and how student learn.

Why is Action Research Important?

Action Research gives insight, obtains insightful practices and effects positive changes in improving student lives and those involved.

Focus AreaCategorizes the purpose of the study

The idea of this study is to see if managing mixed age groups of children is a usual challenge for daycare programs and if solutions for this challenge exists.

Problem Explanation

Working with a mixed age group of children presents challenges in various aspects; which includes, offering activities, presenting and supporting positive relationship, setting guidelines and organizing sessions (Community, 2004).

The reviewing of related literature having information related to the research problem

Literature Review

The review has showed me many providers that are being faced with the same challenges related to mixed age groups. These sources have reported their findings on these challenges and solutions.

EthicsClarify ethical issues involved in conducting action research

CompetenceAccuracyPrivacy & Confidentiality

Research Questions

What are signs & symptoms of learning disabilitiesWhat are ways to help in managing diversity and disabilities in a daycare program?What are ways for families to manage the diversity and disabilities that exists?What programs are available that help small programs handle diversity and challenges?What kind of modifications and accommodations are needed to address the child’s disability?What tools will be utilized as an effort to evaluate the student’s learning on daily skills?

PopulationParticipants for action research can be global to a grander population.

Daycare Students2 part-time toddler – (1 with a learning disability)2 part-time infant4 school-age children – (1 girl with a learning disability/ 1 boy who is language impaired)


Methods that can be used to solve the problemDaycare RatingsQuestionnaire & Follow Up InterviewE-mail Interviews

Intervention Plan

Develop a daily routine that allows flexibility.Purge those materials that are no longer of use and replace them with materials that are open ended.Provide each child ample opportunity to participate in an assorted amount of daily tasks.Motivate students on sharing their similar interests between older and younger children.Focus on each individual strength and talent of every student.Offer activities that everyone can take part in.


Rating Scales- Completion Date: (2 weeks)Parent Questionnaire & Follow-Up Interview: Questionnaire (2 weeks)- Follow-Up Interview (3 weeks)Email Interviews- Respond within 3 weeks

Buczynski, S., & Hansen, C.B. (2014). The Change Leader in Education: Roles and Strategies in the Differentiated Environment. Bridgepoint Education.Community Child Care Association. (2004). Working with mixed age groups. on March 9, 2018.Early Childhood Consultation (n.d.). Supporting Family Daycare Providers: Managing mixed age groups. Retrieved from: March 8, 2018.Erica Patino. (2014) Understood for Learning & Attention Issues. Retrieved on March 22, 2018 from:, G.E. (2014). Action Research: A Guide for the Teacher Researcher (5th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.


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