Differentiated Assessment


Differentiated Assessment

Ashford University


Differentiated Assessment

Differentiated assessments are essential to an educator’s ability to gauge what their students need. Assessments are differentiated in order to reach all students and compile data to effectively set goals and ensure students learn in the best setting as possible. Differentiation help to zero in on the learning profile a student has and continued use of assessments will demonstrate any kind of adjustments needed throughout the year.

It is also essential to decide if the assessments are aimed towards an Assessment of Learning, Assessment for Learning or an Assessment as Learning. Assessment of learning yields summative information after the learning has occurred. The purpose of assessment for learning is to inform the instructional process, to let the teacher know when or how to adjust the content or strategies. Assessment as learning is a move toward greater learner independence, as learners take on greater responsibility, using assessment to direct their learning and to develop metacognitive evaluation skills (“Assessment Strategies,”. n.d., Chapter 6).

The lessons and units of instruction end in a summative assessment which will gauge how much the students retained during the learning process. With summative assessments (standardized assessment) the assessments are standardized and does not have the ability to differentiate.

As the year goes on it is important to remember that the data collected through the assessment can also lead to a Response to Intervention in order to give the students the boost they require throughout the year. With Progress monitoring assessments are also present

in MTSS. These assessments are given periodically to determine if the student is progressing toward the targeted goals with the intervention provided

and can be used as a record in determining if more intense intervention is needed (“Assessment Strategies,”. n.d., Chapter 6.4).

Identify the Common Core State Standard being assessed for mastery


Understand that shapes in different categories (e.g., rhombuses, rectangles, and others) may share attributes (e.g., having four sides), and that the shared attributes can define a larger category (e.g., quadrilaterals). Recognize rhombuses, rectangles, and squares as examples of quadrilaterals, and draw examples of quadrilaterals that do not belong to any of these subcategories.


Partition shapes into parts with equal areas. Express the area of each part as a unit fraction of the whole. For example, partition a shape into 4 parts with equal area, and describe the area of each part as 1/4 of the area of the shape. (“Geometry,”.n.d. Chapter 3rd)

Identify a unit goal that aligns with the Common Core State Standard. Measurable Unit Objective:

Measurable mastery and Expected Outcome

  • The students will identify shapes by labeling them with their proper names and shape category with (80% of accuracy)
  • The students will partition shapes into unit fractions and describe each shape with (85% of accuracy)

Students will show the measurable mastery of the overall standards by classifying the different shapes and accurately identify each name of the shapes. Students will also demonstrate their understanding of a unit fraction. This will serve as the evidence needed to evaluate the

students understanding of Geometry shapes and unit fraction. This will lead into the specific outcome expected for the students. The students will match the name of each shape to a picture and label each picture with the identifying attributes. Students will color in the requested unit fraction and label the unit fraction. Within the geometry shapes identified in the first step of the process.

Measurable progress

In an effort to show progress in the effort to measure mastery students will use geometry shapes to make cut outs into unit fractions piece, which then can be used by another student to assemble into the desired shape. This project will show the students understanding of what a unit shape looks like in a specific geometry shape. One the puzzle pieces are finished students will demonstrate their understanding one group at a time.

One the student show they can put all the shapes together correctly in two try’s and with minimal corrections. The students have demonstrated the required proficiency level in class.

Create three formative assessments using the three-day lesson plan outline from the unit plan.

Day 1

Preassessment students will be given multiple shapes to use, these manipulatives will be of each different shape. I will then give the students a sheet of paper that have the names of each shape and students will place the correct shape over the name. the students will also match the shapes to their names and categories such as polygon, hexagon, pentagon.

The net preassessment will be where the students trace the shapes onto the piece of paper and then draw the unit fraction of 4, 6, 8ths on the different shapes showing their understanding of how to break up the shapes into unit fractions.

These preassessments will touch on many of Gardner’s eight intelligences such as mathematical/logical and kinesthetic, but also spatial.

Pre-Assessment Geometry.

Match the name with the shapeName

Divide the shape into ¼ unit fractions, ½ unit fraction, 1/5-unit fractions. Rectangle






Day 2

After day 1 preassessment I will have a list of students who needs to have a differentiated assessment and which students do not. The goal on day 2 is to give the students an assessment to measure the retainability of the concepts of geometry and unit fractions. At this time, I will have designed different types of assessments for the students who still need the differentiation of the tasks. Some students will have the ability to use the manipulative again and some will use matching, I will also add to the assessments a section of multiple choice and fill in the blank. I am also assessing my students with IEP and 504 to see if they will need some RTI instruction of one to one. Day 2 the students will then start to design the dream house project using the shapes and unit fractions to design a dream house, which we will build out of cardboard.

Once the assessments are finished and I have looked at my notes I will decide which students require additional group work with me. Which is when I will give the students one on one attention and work on differentiating the information for their understanding. While in the groups the other students will be working with the unit fraction section in the Zearn math program.

Assessment Geometry Day 2

Match the name with the shapeName







Which shape has five sides?

What shape can be divided evenly into the unit fraction of 1/5

    • Square
    • Triangle
    • Pentagon
    • Rectangle

    Name a shape that is a polygon.

    • Triangle
    • Rhombus
    • Hexagon
    • Draw the following shapes.




      Divide the shape into a unit fraction of ¼

      Divide the shape into the unit fraction of 1/5

      Day 3

      On day 3 of instruction the students should have grasped the standard and with my notes from day 1 and day 2 my instruction will emphasize the needed material for the class. At this time, I will be able to conclude todays assessment with the dry erase boards and have the students show me their answers to various questions, which a similar to the questions asked on the preassessment. Using the dry erase boards will give me the immediate visual feedback needed to find the students who are struggling with the concepts. I will them have another small group with the students needed further instruction to prepare for their summative assessment.

      After having the white board confirmation from students for the day three assessment they will have an exit ticket.

      Create a summative assessment that appraises mastery of the Common Core State Standard and the Unit Objective.

      Summative Assessment: Summative assessments will include three different types of assessments. Students will show through drawings and fill in the blank to label all information for the shapes and partition shapes into unit fractions.

      3rd Grade Rubric

      Math Content Complete Recognition of two-dimensional shapes Partial recognition of 2 dimensional shapes Can identify two dimensional shapes and draw shapes. Can partition shapes into unit fraction 4,6,8ths. Understands shapes and can draw shapes with specified attributes.Divides shapes into equal partsand show the unit fraction
      Math communication Minimal explanation and recognition of shapes and unitfractions. Explains and recognizes some shapes Explains shapes attributes orally and in written form Exceeds expectations describes shape orally andwritten
      Points 1 2 3 4

      Students who were recognized during the preassessments and assessments as needed additional ways to show their proficiency will have the ability to use the manipulative shapes for the Summative assessment. Students who need the assistance of a speech to text will have the teachers aid present to read the questions to the students. Students with IEP and 504 accommodations will have a shortened test to meet the accommodations requirement.

      MATH CCSS Summative Assessment

      Name Date

      3GA: I can make sense of shapes and their attributes

      Color the Quadrilaterals.

      Why did you color those shapes?

      Study these shapes

      Describe one similarity between these two shapes

      MATH CCSS Summative Assessment

      3GA: I can make sense of shapes and their attributes 3GA2: Partition shapes into equal parts

      Partition each shape into 4ths. Label each share as a fraction.

      Match the names with the shapes


      Square Triangle


      Show two different ways to partition the shapes into thirds

      References Common Core State Standards Initiative. (.n.d). Retrieved from



      from https://content.ashford.edu/books/AUEDU673.13.2/sections/fm Differentiated Assessment Strategies. (.n.d.). Retrieved from http://celi.olemiss.edu/wp-

      content/uploads/sites/6/2016/03/Differentiated-Assessment-Strategies-Preassessment- Formative-Summative-and-Digital.pdf

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