Formative Evaluation- Interpretation

Formative Evaluation- Interpretation

EDU 675: Change Leadership for Differentiated Educ. Envmnt

As an adult student I have found that identifying those students with disabilities are not very hard if you take the time to really observe each student in your classroom. When it comes to students that are having problems in math; such as, Dyscalculia it is a frequent and uncomfortable assignment. Many students become embarrassed, have anxiety and most times shut down due to this difficulty.

The research study that I have been working on addresses the disability based on the one individual participant and the age. However, it is not substantial enough when it comes to dealing with all children with different disabilities. There have been many studies or researches that shows the learning process of students with dyscalculia or disabilities. There are diagnosis that can come with this particular disability; such as, depression, ADHD and anxiety. I have read that many do not know much about math-related learning disability (LD, 2015). Research has also discovered that people with dyscalculia are intelligent and can be successful in their academics (LD, 2015).

Developmental Dyscalculia (DD) defines a detailed and rigorous deficit in the ability to retain numerical information that is unable to be recognized due to sensory difficulty, in competencies and low IQ (Robinsten, O., & Tannock, R. 2010).

LDA states that individuals who suffers with this disability may also have problems in comprehension of math symbols, difficulty memorizing and organizing numbers, problems telling time and counting (LDA, 2016).

Mills states that, “data analysis is an effort by the teacher researcher to recap the data that has been gathered in an accurate and dependable way (Mills, 2003).” One of the themes used on my research used for data collection was an IPad. I was able to find apps based on Diamonds learning needs; such as Khan Academy. She enjoyed being in control of her learning and was motivated and encouraged to forward during the process.

While Diamond was learning, I noticed that she was motivated; which happens to be another theme that I witnessed. Diamond lacked motivation when learning math before; however, now that her disability has been identified the lack of motivation has emerged after collecting data. She now has become more excited about her learning and asking questions.

Personal Experience:

My observation for the week of April 9 – April 13, 2018 was what I would not ordinarily see with Diamond. She appeared to be more motivated, relaxed, and confident and she proceeded with learning how to count coins. I noticed two weeks back when Diamond was presented with the opportunity to count money, she could not understand any directions that was given. She would begin to act out and seemed very annoyed. The strategy that we are working with consists of real coins. It is easier to present her with real life situations and materials (when necessary) to ensure that she will be able to function in her daily life as she gets older.

At the school where I currently work, we have a school store. Students are able to purchase items; such as, chips, gum, candy, cookies and etc. I accompanied Diamond to the school store and had her to purchase a small item of candy (pack of now laters); which cost $.75. She had all nickels to make sure that she was comfortable with counting. We then went back to the class and continued to work on coins on April 12, 2018. We can only work on one concept at a time; therefore, we continued to work with nickels and we started working with dimes as well for about 45 minutes. We will then take a break to ensure that she does not feel overwhelmed. Diamond is an 11 year old student who cannot count money. Her daily routine lasts no longer than 45 minutes. When trying to increase the amount of time or interrupting her routine, she tends to feel overwhelmed. When this happens, we allow her to take a mental break and redirect her attention to dollar bills for about 15 minutes and end the lesson for the day.

One teacher mentioned when she would try to work on money with Diamond, she would get frustrated. After observing the teacher, I noticed that she was very straight forward and not engaging at all. I advised the teacher on ideas and strategies that will assist her ensuring for a more successful lesson. The rest of the week was great! I observed the teacher and Diamond responded well, was exited and engaged in her assignments.


The implications of my data that I have been utilizing to help in answering some of my research questions shows that we are advancing; however, still need work. Based on Parent Center Hub, we have quickly examined four methods to teaching math to students with disabilities that research has shown to be successful (Adams & Carnine, 2003: Baker, Gersten, & Lee, 2002; Kroesbergen & Can luit, 2003; Xin & Jitendra, 1999). Each resource is significant in its own right; therefore, it is our desire that each teacher, administrator and family bring these practices into the home and classroom (NICHCY, 2008).

Different disabilities bring different instructional strategies and approaches that are helpful when trying to teacher students with different math disabilities. This is why you cannot diagnose (which is best) without research. The instructions are exact and assigned to students on an individual basis based on their need and disability. Since we know that no one person learns at the same pace or level, some students may progress faster than others.

If I can be honest, it takes a person with a heart for children and a desire to teach to become a great teacher. Creating engaging lessons, effective strategies creativity and professionalism is what help students move on in learning.

I am the head researcher and with the help of Diamonds teacher and lead teacher together we can learn how to combine strategies that will help in assisting Diamond and other students that have disabilities. Our text states that servant leaders are personally connected to Riley’s democratic style, awarded earlier. People are what matters and teamwork is at an all-time high. The organizational culture is described by high morale. The style is struggling to fit in an ever changing environment that demands for decision to be made (Blanken, 2013).


Buczyniski, S., & Hansen, C.B. (2014). The Change Leader in Education: Roles and Strategies in the Differentiated Environment. Bridgepoint Education.

Dyscalculia (2016). LDA Learning Disabilities Association of America Retrieved on April 14, 2018 from

Effective Math Instruction: Putting the Research to Work: Choosing and Using Effective Math Intervention Strategies (2008). Retrieved on April 14, 2018 from http://ww.parentcenterhub.or/wpcontent/uploads/repo_intems/eemath.pdf

Mills, G.E. (2014). Action Research: A Guide for the Teacher (5th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Rubinsten, O., & Tannock, R. (2010). Mathematics Anxiety in Children with Developmental Dyscalculia. Behavioral & Brain Functions. Retrieved on April 14, 2018 from

WETA (2015). Math & Dyscalculia Retrieved on April 16, 2018 from

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