Effects of Disease on the Health Care Industry Respiratory Health

Effects of Disease on the Health Care Industry: Respiratory Health





University of Phoenix Material

Effects of Disease on the Health Care Industry: Respiratory Health

Complete the table on the following page. Choose 2 diseases or disorders to complete the table. Be sure to properly cite references and sources for any information or facts used.

A general example has been provided for you.


Disease or Disorder Treatment Modalities Cultural Beliefs/Practices Affecting this Disease Epidemiological Statistics Available Consumer Resources(e.g., financing, information, support) Impact on Society
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Prevention (education, exposure avoidance)Antiretroviral treatment (required to begin directly after infection)Antiviral medications sometimes slow disease progression but cannot cure it once contracted. AIDS is a disease that only affects the LGBT community (myth).Contracting HIV is an automatic death sentence (myth).HIV/AIDS is currently incurable (fact).Education and proper preventive measures are crucial in fighting this disease. Worldwide, 2.5 million new cases reported in 2011 (CDC)635,000 individuals with AIDS have died in the United States to date (CDC).An estimated 1.1 million people in U.S. were living with AIDS in 2009 (CDC). Websites:www.cdc.gov/hiv/default.htmlwww.aidshealth.org www.aids.gov Funding for prevention and research from the government and private sectorEducational programs, UNICEF Considered a worldwide epidemic (Shi, 2014)In 2012, the U.S. government spent more than $20 billion on HIV/AIDS programs and research.Has an impact on social lives and sexual practices of all citizens in a given society in one way or another.


Shi, L. (2014). Introduction to Health Policy. Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press. Washington, D.C.: AUPHA Press. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2013). Retrieved from www.cdc.gov/hiv/default.html

Complete the table below for 2 diseases that you have chosen that affects respiratory health. In each box, you are required to list 3 to 5 bulleted statements regarding the heading of that box.

Cite your sources using APA format.

This section is due in Week Five.

Chosen Respiratory Disease or Disorder Treatment Modalities Cultural Beliefs/Practices Affecting this Disease Epidemiological Statistics Available Consumer Resources(e.g., financing, information, support) Impact on Society
Pleural effusion Pneumothorax First management is to administer diuretics and restrict the amount of sodium taken.Treatment of pneumothorax include thoracentesis. Process of inserting a tube in chest and help in re-expanding the lungs.sclerotherapy with talc or doxycycline is necessary for inpatients who have repeated symptoms of the desease.intravenous antibiotics are also inclusive in the treatment of a pneumothorax that shows signs of a sequela of staphylococcal pneumonia. Heart failure is the most witnessed cause of pleural effusion, pulmonary embolision, pneumonia and malignancies.Manifestations of other diseases also can cause pleural effusion.Can be divided in to two categories (i). transudates which is caused by leaking of fluids to vesses. (ii). Exudates whereby inflammation of pleura and lungs causes leakage of fluidsSpontaneous pneumothorax mostly affects men whereby smoking has been seen to increase higher chances of the disease.Signs and symptoms depend on the stage of pneumothoxes. The occurrences of hydrothorax range between 1.6% and 10% of PD patientsPeople with adult polycystic kidney disease got higher chances of hydrothorax complicating PD, most probably due to increased intra-abdominal pressure33,571 instances of iatrogenic pneumothorax occurred in the US.1.011 per 1,000 hospitalized at risk patients urbanized iatrogenic pneumothorax in America. http://childrens.memorialhermann.org/services/pleural-effusion/http://www.respiratoryupdate.com/members/Pleural_Effusion_Hydrothorax.cfmhttp://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/pneumothorax/symptoms-causes/dxc-20179900http://www.mountsinai.org/patient-care/health-library/diseases-and-conditions/pneumothoraxhttp://www.healthline.com/health/collapsed-lung#Types2 CHF is responsible for about one-third of all cases in the USA each yearThe disease is diagnosed annually with around 1.5 million people in US.Most common in tall thin people who have no signs of lung diseases. it greatly affects the potential young people.Research carried in UK portrayed that about 2 out of 1000 people developed pneumothorax each year.It is rare to be found in people over 40 year. In society, men are mostly affected than women.


eMedicineHealth. (2016). Retrieved from http://www.emedicinehealth.com/pleural_effusion/article_em.htm#pleural_effusion_facts

Medscape. (1994-2016). Retrieved from http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/761213_7

Patient. (2016). Retrieved from http://atient.info/health/pneumothorax-leaflet

Pdiconnect. (2016). Retrieved from http://www.pdiconnect.com/content/30/1/13.full

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