Email Using Social Media Scenario

Email Using Social Media Scenario

Leanettra Holden

Effective Communication Skills



From: “Latisha Jones.”

Sent: Friday, December 2, 2016 1:30pm

To: Barbara Walters

Subject: You’re Facebook Page

Hello, Latisha, I was texting about the Facebook page that’s sat up in your name. Latisha before the company that I work for hires they go over your social media account to make sure there up to their standards. This company is very identifiable in the community. Because of this, we need to be careful how we project them as individuals and the company in social media. When going through your site, I came across somethings that will affect the hiring process. First, thething I saw was the cover photo and profile picture that is present as soon as they would log in to your account. When reading about yourself, it says” Latisha is single and looking for a man and a job.” It should have only said something about looking for a job. The,I like marijuana plant picture needs to be taken down also. The Photo album pictures of all the naked women and disrespectful memes also need to come down.

If I were you, Latisha, I would just delete the whole page itself. My human resource department for my company is very strict on the image of the enterprise. If getting this job is important, the things that are set up on that page needs to come down. The human resources of our companypride itself on the work they do in the community, so social media violations will not be permitted in no shape or fashion. In therefusal to delete the inappropriate photos and material will impact your ability to get the job.

Truly yours, Barbara Walters

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