Emergency Management Communication

Emergency Management Communication






Emergency Management Communication

The components of multi-agency interoperability for emergency management include command and management, preparedness, resource management, communication and information management and ongoing management, maintenance and support technologies. Command and management involves the effectiveness and efficiency in coordination and management of common, flexible incident and emergency management structure. It involves the emergency command system, the multiagency coordination system and information of the public. The emergency command system involves the personnel, the protocols involved, the resources involved, while the multiagency involvement undertakes responsibilities of mobilizing resources and putting the priorities in accord and coordination of information.

Preparedness undertakes issues of planning prior to the incidences, putting necessary procedures and protocols, training and exercises, licensing and giving the necessary authority on the various aspects. Preparedness involves setting up budgets prior in case of disaster and assigning a body or authority with the responsibility of ensuring they oversee or act with haste during emergency situations. Communications and information management are vital in any emergency response to ensure that they are effective and efficient. It helps to ensure mitigation, preparedness and recovery. Both communication personnel and equipment need to be up to the task. Again, the procedure and guidelines in place need to guide on the communications, and ensure the most accurate information is used to respond to the various emergency situations. The communication should be reliable, safe, and able to link with various involved units or authorities, reliable, portable, and resilience.

Ongoing maintenance and management is done and implemented by an authoritarian body, in both the national level and at lower levels of governance. The procedures and policies are outlined in the law. It ensure guidance and support during times of emergency. The support is in terms of hardware, staff, and provide guidance on how to handle the emergency situation at hand. The support technologies are part of the management, they also include strategic research and development.

The technology structures that enhance multiagency communication involve the platforms that are able to interact with the public, so that they share data with the authorized body and relevant authorities. The channels should ensure safety to the public and confidentiality. The channels should ensure that the information being relayed is true information and reliable. The technology assets should be able to be integrated in the existing public services and channels. The technology channels should be able to build database that can be able to predict or assess the rate of incidence of emergency incidents and also should be able to make decisions for future preparedness. The technology structure should be able coordinate response capabilities of the emergency situations involving the critical incident response and insure that the technology solutions for all emergency responses are integrated.

The technology structures should be able to perform despite damage or lost equipment. The communication structure should be good for use during minor or major emergency situations. The technology system should be flexible, whereby in case of massive breakdowns, it can be replaced by another system. The technology should be interoperable, whereby various personnel can handle the system with ease without the obvious need of an expert. The technology system should be enshrined within the program and policy of the governing body to ensure that it is legally binding in use and when the protocol is used.

The requirements for support technology systems involve to enhance further communication more even as the emergency situation unlock more or opens up more. The emergency response depend on the technology, to be full time online and in communication with the entire system of operation during the emergency response period. The support technology system should not break down frequently, but it should be robust, so that it can be used by the staff to prepare and make timely decisions and important steps to curb and control the emergency situation. The support technology should be able to provide a backup for the process, in order to save important data.

The need for continued assessment and evaluation by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) cannot be overemphasized. This ensures that drills and evaluations are made continuously to ensure that the department can be able to respond during emergency situations. It also ensure that its use and effectiveness in handling emergency situation is of essence and adding value to the organization. The assessment includes how fast the teams arrive at the scene of emergency situation, how teams are in sync in handling the situation and the timeline to solve and curb the emergency situations.

The Department of Homeland Security Federal Emergency Management Agency has ensure continue devaluation of emergency capabilities by ensuring strong governance through formal, thorough procedures and internal systems with clear communications and decision making processes. The department has also ensured standardized emergency response patterns, communication terms and back up plans. The department has ensured that the software and hardware are adequate and latest versions, able to provide real time data and information on the emergency situation. There are standard ways of collecting data and sharing with other departments. Routine checkup and practice to ensure the technology is working fully and well. The department has ensured continued training and exercises for the staff

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