Energy choices

Energy Choices





Energy Choices

There has been a lot of deposition of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere from human activities. These activities have been caused by poverty in our country whereby it has caused the individual to use the environment merely. Large amounts of pollutants are being released to the atmosphere by all countries causing global warming which is gradual increase in temperatures. The policies set by the country limit the selection of energy sources to be used. Completion of certain energy source is also factor affecting the choice of the choice of energy used. The number of people in a country will determine the kind of energy is used to cater for needs of all of them (Train, 2009).

Brazil is among the largest consumers of energy and also one of the oil producers. Brazil consumes around thousands of energy per day. Brazil plays the biggest part in the contribution of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere whereby it highly contributes to climate change. Carbon dioxide is highly produced from mining, agriculture, manufacturing and other sectors which contribute to greater percentage of the gas to the atmosphere. Deforestation for agriculture contributes to the primary source of the greenhouse gas. This is highly observed in the Amazon areas which deposit large amounts of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. We should change our environment by controlling the amount of gas released in the atmosphere. The change should start with us and educate every individual on the methods to use for energy production without depletion of natural resources

Train (2009) argued that the profile of this country differ from other well developed countries whereby in Brazil, burning of fossils and transportation contributes to the large amounts of emissions. The highest contributor of this gas in Brazil comes from energy addition, agriculture, forestry and other land uses also contribute to emission but in low amounts. Burning forests release large amounts of carbon to the atmosphere. In addition, clearing of bushes also release carbon which was held in the soil which contribute to overall climate change leading to global warming. Brazil has implemented policies to govern the huge emission of greenhouse gas to the environment in order to control global warming (Farsi et al. 2007).

There are differences in emission of CO2 gas between Brazil and United States whereby United States has been ranked number one in 19 times when compared to Brazil. In addition, for climate change, United States has been ranked also position one but Brazil is at position twenty. Deforestation in Brazil has effects on both animals and plant species while in United States pollution is highly causing acidic rain affection the lives of many species in the country. In overall United States has a high consumption and emission rate as compared to Brazil. There are similarities between the two countries whereby they are the major polluters of the environment. They are also the leading countries in energy consumption due to increased industrialization.

Brazil leads in reducing the amount of greenhouse released in the atmosphere. This country has a National plan aimed at changing the energy released and used in the country by expanding available renewable energy sources. In addition, it is also focusing highly in trying to reduce the amount of deforestation which is a major issue in this country. There has been illegal deforestation in the country which has heavily contributed to high rates of carbon release. On the other hand, U.S is well known for large amounts of carbon production which is among the largest polluters of the environment. U.S has also evaluated a plan which is out for the protection of the environment. This U.S plan contained controlling the amount of emissions from huge vehicles like trucks, small cars and also from power plants (Farsi et al. 2007).

According to Hosier & Dowd (2007) the two countries has said that they will make sure that they attain their target of using the renewable energy resources and produce the amount of energy need by the country by 2030. According to Brazil, the country will secure 30 million acres for rainforest to reduce the level of deforestation. Several solutions have been implemented to cater for the rising energy demands. Alcoa and American water has been introduced to reduce the amount of electricity. High lighting technology is being used in this field to reduce the amount of energy use. In addition, various countries have installed dominion to reduce the energy used by customers. Countries have come together to mitigate globalization through creating awareness of the challenges from climate change (Farsi et al. 2007).

Governments should come together through organization to address all the effects of globalization including social, environmental and economic challenges. There should be also organization to help the governments to solve these changes and catering for the growing population. An organization well known for helping the government in provision of policy experiences is the organization for economic co-operation and development. This is an organization where the governments seek the answers they need to the problems of greenhouse emissions. Cultural differences may arise during partnership whereby the language used by some of the countries might not be known by the other country. This may bring conflicts among countries. In addition, some countries may have favors where financials are needed which may bring disagreement to all parties.

In conclusion, the countries involved in partnership may take short time or long time to solve issues of cultural differences because it will only depend on the agreements. Creating strong relations among these countries may highly help eliminate these cultural differences and preach unity. When the crisis is high, some countries may be banned from acting on the partnership. The solutions may take long for policies to be implemented and rules made to govern the partnership. We should show the change so that it can be adopted international to change and control high rate of climate change. Many criticisms may arise to stop these countries from partnering but should not stop them from action. It is important to encourage every individual to be an element of change.


Hosier, R. H., & Dowd, J. (2007). Household fuel choice in Zimbabwe: an empirical test of the energy ladder hypothesis. Resources and energy, 9(4), 347-361.

Farsi, M., Filippini, M., & Pachauri, S. (2007). Fuel choices in urban Indian households. Environment and Development Economics, 12(06), 757-774.

Train, K. E. (2009). Discrete choice methods with simulation. Cambridge university press.

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