Elements of Longer Messages: Report Analysis

Elements of Longer Messages: Report Analysis


Elements of Longer Messages: Report Analysis

According to “The Purpose of Reports, “Reports communicate information which has been compiled as a result of research and analysis of data and issues. Reports can cover a wide range of topics, but usually focus on transmitting information with a clear purpose, to a specific audience.” Below is a very informative informational report on Amazon, one of the top Fortune 500 companies.

Report Type Differences

Reports fall into three categories, informational, analytical, and proposals.

Informational reports provide data, facts, feedback, and other types of information without analysis or recommendations. There are four types of uses for an informational report. Decision making reports, which are a use of informational reporting that contains facts about monitoring and controlling operations. Policy reports can be another use of informational reporting that provides procedures and guidelines for an organization. Compliance reports are the third use of informational reporting that reveals a company’s consent to regulators or governments that the company is abiding by regulations. Finally, there are status reports, status reports are a use of informational reporting that can provide critical feedback and updates on projects. (“Informational and Analytical Reports, Definition and Uses”,).

Analytical reporting is the type of business reporting that is used to make decisions. Analytical reports offer both information and analysis, but they also include recommendations. Offering recommendations is the biggest difference between informational and analytical reporting. (“What Is an Analytical Report”,). Some benefits of an analytical report are that data visualization enables users to view and understand large amounts of information regarding operational and business conditions, better understanding of operational and business activities, quick access and easy to understand data. Analytical reports goals are not only the identification and analysis of a problem and previously tried solutions, but also the proposal of evidence-based recommendations to solve that problem where previous attempts have failed.

Proposals present persuasive recommendations to internal or external audiences, often

involving investments or purchases. A research proposal is a request for maintain of sponsored research, instruction, or extension projects. In other words, is estimated to convince others that you have a helpful exploration venture and that you have the capability and the work-plan to close it. It sets out the fundamental issues that you plan to address. For the most part, a research proposal must contain all the key features included in the research process and incorporate adequate information for the readers to review the proposed study. Good proposals quickly and easily answer queries like ‘What you want to do, how much will it rate, and how much time will it need?’, ‘How does the proposed project relay on the sponsor’s interests?’, ‘What has already been done in the region of project?’, ‘How will the outcome be evaluated?’ etc. These queries will be answered in dissimilar ways and accept dissimilar emphasis based on the nature of proposed project. (“What Is A Research Proposal”,).

The three-step writing process is used to communicate both routine and persuasive messages in the workplace. This process involves planning, writing, and completing to help you create a finished, written piece. Both a report and proposal have the same steps in the writing process which is to plan, write, and complete. Plan : You first analyze the situation by clarifying the problem; gather all your information by knowing the needs of your audience; select the right medium that will best deliver your message; and then organizing all your information by defining your main ideas and selecting the appropriate approach method to use. Write: First adapt to your audience by using the “you” attitude and building that strong relationship with them; then compose the message by having strong words effective to your introduction, body and conclusion. Complete : Revise your message by evaluating content and review then rewrite your work; produce the message by using effective design elements to show a professional appearance in your text; proofread the message by reviewing looking for errors and spelling grammar; and finally distribute your message by delivering your report with your chosen medium and be sure that all documents are distributed successfully. (Chavez, 2011)


Amazon(2019). Retrieved from http://fortune.com/fortune500/amazon-com/

The purpose of reports(). Retrieved fromhttps://unilearning.uow.edu.au/report/index.html

Informational and analytical reports, definition and uses (). Retrieved from http://https;//study.com/academy/lesson/informational-and-analytical-reports-definition-and-uses.html

What is an analytical report(). Retrieved from https://www.quora.com/what-is-an-analytical-report

What is a research proposal(). Retrieved from https://www.quora.com/What-is-a-Research-Proposal

Chavez, B. M. C. (2011). The Three-Step Writing Process to Reports and Proposals. Retrieved from http://mjbconsultingservices.blogspot.com/2011/06/three-step-writing-process-to-reports.html

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