Environmental issues proposal

Environmental issues





Name and Teacher’s credentials ………………………..
Estimated time the teaching will last This teaching is estimated to last for one week based on the attendance.
Location or the Venue The venue of this teaching is in Phenix City.
Supplies and materials required For an effective teaching, there has to be materials that will be used. Some of these materials are: writing books, pens, projector, laptop, research books, rooms, chairs and meals.
Estimated cost An estimate cost of $3600 is required to complete the teaching.
Community and target aggregate Phenix community is the target and after a research about this community, many of them are likely to attend. Using percentage, a turn up of 60% is expected that is from children to adults.
Topics The main topics that will be taught are: How to Maintain the Environment, Importance of Trees, Ways to reduce Pollution, Ways for proper sanitation and Reasons of protecting the Environment, to mention a few.

These Topics will mainly focus with the adults as they have more control and understanding than the children. Everyone aging from 18 years and above is considered an adult and they are the main focus. Epidemiological rationale based on the related topics has been studied and their frequency to the community has increased rapidly (Harper et al., 2017). Most of them are abused with no precautions. Good news is there are patterns to deal with the various environmental issues. In any community there are huge risks associated with Environmental issues such as: diseases, pollution and lack of food and water.

The teachings will help solve these issues as far as the environment is concerned. The topics will also focus on the causes and preventive measures for the environment. It should be effective too, in order to reduce abuses, and diseases.

Teaching criteria

Criteria used for this teaching will empower both the teachers and the community. There are four of them:

Nursing Diagnosis As the term nursing suggest, it is taking care of families or communities to ensure their health. Diagnosis is the analysis and the community’s health status is not so well. First thing is identifying the environmental issues related to this community before moving to the next step.
Preparedness for learning Based on the statistics, most people in this community are ready to learn, the turn up number supports this idea. After an interrogation with one member of the community, it is clear they have issues with their environment and are prepared to tackle them.
Learning theory to use A concept of Nightingale’s environmental theory which states that a patient needs fresh water, food, cleanliness of both the patient and the environment can be used (Medeiros et al., 2015). It can apply to the community during teachings.
Objective/ Goal This is the last criteria for learning and one of healthy people 2020 objectives is used. EH HP2020-6: Improve the utility, awareness, and use of existing information systems for environmental health (Medeiros et al., 2015). This objective supports this teaching as old existing systems used for environment’s health are outdated and since the objective focuses on improving them, then the teachings will have better modern ways.

Alma Ata’s main objective is dealing with primary health care, as it was the first organization to declare the importance of primary health care. The objective chosen above is related to Alma Ata’s as it also focuses on maintaining health and environmental care (Harper et al., 2017). The organization initiates with the global and it stated that health being a complete state of mental, physical and social wellbeing, without an absence of disease is an important human right and highest possible level of health should be attained.

Behavioral Domain Deals with the issues regarding to the community and their daily activities. ContentThe environment has various branches such as: water, air and land StrategiesWays of handling the issues regarding to the Environment
Cutting of trees, This problem mainly affects the land, as it reduces rain and increase wind blow. The problem has majorly affected this community and most believe that saw mill industry boosts the economy. A nice approach to this problem is by educating everyone in this community (Harper et al., 2017). Telling them the importance of planting trees and the effective results. Soil erosion will reduce when trees are planted.
Oil spillage in rivers and lakes. It affects water bodies and reduce marine life Stop factories that do this act by shutting them.
Air pollution, especially the industries Mainly affects the air. This can be controlled by barning industries from releasing gases into the air.
Hunger and starvation Poor living standards and shortage of rain. Planting of trees to attract rain and improving living standards by the government.
Diseases that affect this community. People are acquiring diseases due to poor health and sanitation. Diseases like Cholera mainly affect this community and in order to eradicate, health should be improved by maintaining cleanliness and hygiene (Harper et al., 2017).


Creativity was applied in the teachings when different strategies are used to solve environmental issues (Medeiros et al., 2015). Examples are: proper sanitation, planting trees, closure of factories and industries that pollutes the environment and improving living standards.

Evaluation of objectives

Objective Evaluation
Planting trees This can be measured by the number of trees are planted yearly and the effects of it after a period of time. It is also done using statistical methods.
Proper sanitation This can be measured by identifying how diseases have increases or decreased within the community.
Improving living standards Can be measured by the number of people living in poor areas.
Barning factories and industries Easily identified after visiting existing factories to see if they are still working.

Evaluation of goal

The main goal is to pass the knowledge of protecting the environment to the community and this can be achieved by setting good examples and using illustrations such as books and videos. It can also be achieved by ensuring everyone has fully understood importance of protecting the environment which is by the end of the week.

Evaluation of lesson and teacher

Assessment of both the lesson and teacher will be effective once the process is implemented by the community. It will also determine the level of evaluation and how it will be carried out.


There must be barriers in every project someone takes and in regards to this teaching, attendance failure, opposers, weather changes and any other problem are expected during the entire course.

For a better result, it is good to approach the patients in an impressing way, using projectors during teachings and PowerPoint. This will attract their attention and most of them will be attentive.


Harper, C., Harper, C. L., & Snowden, M. (2017). Environment and society: Human perspectives on environmental issues. Routledge.

Medeiros, A. B. D. A., Enders, B. C., & Lira, A. L. B. D. C. (2015). The Florence Nightingale’s environmental theory: A critical analysis. Escola Anna Nery19(3), 518-524.

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