The Meaning of the Results

The Meaning of the Results

ESE 610 Assessment and Evaluation of Students with Mild to Moderate Disabilities


The purpose of this paper is to fully inform a person of ways that dyslexia could be recognized, it’s symptoms and signs, the causes, and teaching strategies for a student with dyslexia. A lot of times dyslexia is overlooked because people are uninformed about what it is and how it can be caused. Today we want to make sure that everyone is aware and able to fully identify signs and symptoms of this learning disability,

Signs of Dyslexia

There are multiple different types of signs that can let a person know that they have dyslexia. Above is a chart that shows different things that you can find in a student that shows a student has dyslexia. One of the signs of reading, which Manuel suffers with is losing your place in text, moving or overlapping text, and needing to reread. All of these this effect a student while they are reading, and it makes it hard for them to be able to comprehend and retain what they are reading.

Why Consider Dyslexia

Dyslexia is considered a specific learning disability with the IDEA. Since Dyslexia is a language based learning disability it falls in the category with the IDEA as a disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or in using language, spoken, written, that may manifest itself in an imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell, or to do mathematical calculations, including conditions such as perceptual disabilities, brain injury, minimal brain dysfunction, dyslexia, and developmental aphasia. (Pierangelo, (2012)

The Causes of Dyslexia

Dyslexia tends to run in families. It appears to be linked to certain genes that affect how the brain processes reading and language, as well as risk factors in the environment ( The condition stems from differences in parts of the brain that process language. Imaging scans in people with dyslexia show that areas of the brain that should be active when a person reads don’t work properly ( Although everyone that has dyslexia suffers from a different degree of it and it may not show up in a person right away. Sometimes it won’t show up until adulthood. People tend to manage and still continue on with the disability because they are unaware of the fact that they have it.

Teaching Strategies

There are some teaching strategies that can be used for students that suffer from dyslexia. These teaching strategies are here to help the students learning according to where their brains can comprehend. Some strategies that can be used are using books that are on tapes so that the student can hear the book begin read but also follow along so that they can see the words that are making the sounds. This will allow for them to be able to make a connection with the letters. Another strategy that can be used is one on one instruction. This will allow for the student to be able to get the individual help with a tutor or resource teacher. The help will be based on what they can and cannot do as an individual. This can be a time that they see a speech therapist and/ or time that the student/teacher could work on their site words for a better understanding. The last strategy that I will leave you with is using multisensory techniques such as shaving cream writing. A teacher can put shaving cream on a desk and allow for the students to write letters and or words that the teacher calls out. This will allow for the student to be able to hear, see, and touch the words that are being read. It will also get the students to clean the desk. There are all kinds of things that can be done in a classroom weather it is special needs or not. The key is to just have fun with it.

Strengths of Students with Dyslexia

Dyslexic students have strengths because they have to in some way compensate for the lack that they temporally suffer with. Most students with dyslexia use the right side of their brains more this means connections have to cross larger distances, which helps dyslexics with big-picture thinking, spotting patterns, and taking a more open and creative approach to problem-solving (, 2020) Most students that suffer from dyslexia are good at visual thinking and spatial reasoning because it uses the right side of the brain for these things. Although there are more that they are strong suited in these are a few.


So, in conclusion we have found that dyslexia may not always be as bad as it seems if you can control it. Everyday people suffer from this disability out of not knowing they have it or don’t know how to control it. This learning disability can become present at any time during adulthood or childhood. We have learned that there are different things that you can do as a teacher to help minimize the effects of this learning disability. Will a person ever get over this disability? Probably not, but you can get them assistance when and if they need it.


Pierangelo, R., & Giuliani, G. A. (2012). Assessment in special education: A practical approach.

Boston: Pearson.

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