Differential Learning Support

Differential Learning Support

ESE 634 Education-Based Collaborative Relationships

Dear Mr. Franklin,

Sorry that we missed each other before the weekend, but I am glad that you reached out to me and enclosed the lesson plan for me to review by Monday. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to be able to insert my opinions and ideas on the strategies that could possibly help with Manuel and the other students that have some learning challenges. We both know that those students are very relevant and need developmentally appropriate learning curriculum. It is important that you and I worked together to make sure that all the students receive the appropriate education that they are due. Being able to work together allows for us to be able to offer our individual strengths to each student in the class (Cohen & Spenciner (2009).

After looking over your lesson plan I love the fact that your lesson plan is so detailed and easy to follow. The variety of materials that the students are able to use in order to complete this activity is great. The materials bring a big variety to being able to use different electronics to make the lesson interesting for the students. Especially someone like Manuel who has interest in engineering.

However, I do have some concerns with the area of the students conducting an oral presentation. We should allow for each group the option of presenting in front of the class or on camera like and interview about the park or city opening. This way each member of the group can be comfortable presenting what they contributed to the project and what that part of the project meant to them. Let’s used Manuel for instance. Manuel is stronger in math area and could really display his strengths in this project, and those that suffer from reading such as Manuel do not feel like they are put on the spot in front of their peers to display their weaknesses. I like that you are teaching about geometry, because this can help those students that have interest in this like engineering for Manuel.

There are several different strategies that we can use to incorporate differentiated learning or instruction. There are four different areas that can define differentiate learning, content, process, projects, learning environment (Tucker, (2020). Here are some of the strategies that I have thought of, but we are not limited to,

With my differentiated ideas and your lesson plan in place I think that we can accomplish teaching all of our students the geometry in a way that is fun and exciting. I look forward to further collaborating with you in our class on Monday. Have a great weekend, see you on Monday.

  • Interview Students- Ask Manuel questions about what they are working on, why they set up their project the way that they did. (Guido, (2016). This will allow for Manuel to be able to express his participation in the project without being uncomfortable. Making a conversation as casual as can be.
  • Journaling the process of development- Write down the step by step process to keep track of the process of finishing the project. This will allow for the students to look back and further process new information that they may have retrieve during the process of the project.
  • Learning Centers/Stations- Breaking up each of the activities in to centers so that everyone has a chance to work on every part of the project. This will help for each student to be able to take pieces of the project and better process it.
  • Reciprocal learning- Allow for Manuel to teach his peers in his group about the areas in math that are being used (Tucker, (2020).
  • Multisensory Instruction- Since Manuel suffers from dyslexia this may be a good thing to write out his process in this assignment on a tablet or iPad. Using touch, movement, sight, and or hearing would address this type of instruction (Tucker, (2020).


Dovanah Jordan


(Cohen, L. G., & Spenciner, L. J. (2009). Teaching students with mild and moderate disabilities: Research-based practices. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Merrill Prentice Hall.

Guido, Marcus, (2016). 20 Differentiated Instruction Strategies and examples https://www.prodigygame.com/blog/differentiated-instruction-strategies-examples-download/

Tucker, Geri Coleman, (2020). Differentiated Instruction: What you need to know https://www.understood.org/en/learning-thinking-differences/treatments-approaches/educational-strategies/differentiated-instruction-what-you-need-to-know

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