Ethics without religion

Ethics without religion




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Question 1

Dalai Lama says that people are undermining the religion over science. The science alone cannot offer spiritual values which are very important. He says that the inner values are more important and more pressing in the world of science than ever (Lama, 2009).

b). If ethical living can be compelled with faith, this can be done scientific terms. The elimination of disease can be done scientifically as well as by religious basis.

Question 2

Dalai Lama wants people to understand that secularism is respecting and toleration all religions including the nonbelievers as Indians have given a secular constitution (XIV Bstan-ʼdzin-rgya, 2012). He then does not want people to believe that secularism is secluding religion from ethics. Respect and tolerance of secular has roots since before two thousand years in India.

Question 3

To honor other people’s religion as doing that it strengthens both for a person and for the other. I think this is the best approach to other religions because we should respect, honor and tolerate other people’s religions (Lama, 2009). It is by respecting other people’s religion that we strengthen ourselves as well as other people.

Question 4– Two important ideas from Dalai Lama

Question 5

  1. The principle of non-violent
  2. Interreligious harmony

Dalai Lama seeks all people to search for universal and sustainable approaches to ethics in order to avoid social tensions and ideologies exclusion (XIV Bstan-ʼdzin-rgya, 2012). This approach would fundament human levels and at the same time transcending racial differences, religious and cultural differences. The universal approach and sustainable to all people not considering race, religion and nationality is what Lama refers to as project of secular ethics.

Question 6– Values shared by major faith traditions

Question 7

  1. Self-discipline
  2. Kindness
    • Patience
    • Honesty
    • Forgiveness
    • Generosity
    • Contentment
  3. Theistic groups constitutes of Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Christianity, Sikhism and Zoroastrianism (Lama, 2009). These groups believe that ethics are from God who is the creator of all. They believe that God is love, universe is sacred and loving and caring for others is one way of serving God. These groups believe lead to good actions if taken seriously because they bring the best outlook. And, if not taken serious, they believe that there is judgment after death.

    To look on non-theistic group which consists of Jainism, Samkhya School and Buddhism believe that there is no divine creator (XIV Bstan-ʼdzin-rgya, 2012). The non-theistic base the ideas of ethics and values to Karma. The universe to them is beginning less and talking of Karma they mean the actions which are connected to mind, body and speech. Every action of thoughts, body and mind has got consequences.

    Question 8

    It is from these two attributes that we can be able to appreciate ourselves and other people. The attributes also lead to ethical awareness establishment and cultivating of our inner values. With all these we can be able to connect with other respectively.

    1. Recognition of humanity that is shared which lead to happiness and avoidance of suffering.
    2. The key attribute to human reality which is the understanding of independence.
    3. References

      Lama, D. (2009). The art of happiness: A handbook for living. Penguin.

      XIV Bstan-ʼdzin-rgya, D. L. (2012). Beyond religion: Ethics for a whole world. Random House.

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