Explain the meaning of the term argument in logic

Explain the meaning of the term ‘argument’ in logic. How does it differ from the second meaning of the term that we commonly use? (Don’t forget to provide your references! Make sure to carefully watch the videos and to refer to them!)

According to the video Episode 1:5 what is an argument, the meaning of the term argument in logic is a statement that has a premise and conclusion. The premise should support the conclusion and have a connection among the reasons. An argument proves or supports a specific conclusion made to address a s specific problem by offering a position and providing reasons for that position and offer a resolution to a problem. This is different from the common meaning of the term in many ways. The common use of an argument does not follow any set of rules and allows such things as appealing to emotions and relying on intuition. another common misunderstanding is that an argument is not an attempt to persuade someone. It is to prove or support a specific conclusion.

       Use the Internet to search for an example of an argument in the media, or present an argument you encountered in your daily life. Explain the example: what are the argument’s two parts? Is it a good argument? How can you assess it?

I think a very simple argument that I presented to my fiancé today is that I should get my hair done Thursday. We have money saved up for a down payment on a different car for me and we are waiting on a check that comes in at the end of the month to add to it. I also already planned to get my hair done with the money from the check at the end of this month. So it does not make a difference in finances if I go ahead and get my hair done verses waiting until the check comes in. I think that this is a valid argument. I can mathematically prove that spending the money now and waiting will yield the same results by the same date. If the money we have now is variable “A” and the check is variable “B” and me getting my hair done is variable “C” and the total to put on the car is variable “D”, then I can prove my statement with the following simple equations.

Getting hair done now:Getting hair done with check:

(A-C) + B =DA+(B-C) =D

Both are true and neither events affect the outcome of variable “D”

In your replies to classmates, discuss the classmate’s argument: is the argument well formulated? Do the premises properly support the conclusion? What should be changed? How can the argument be assessed?

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