Hands On – Security Flaws

Identify and describe one real or potential security breach/flaw in your environment (work or home) THAT YOU CAN SAFELY SHARE and address specific ways to address it.

Include or provide a link to an illustrative video (such as from YouTube) to receive full credit. You don’t have to create a video (unless you really want to!).

One very common security flaw that is present in my home environment would be the lack of MAC address filtering. Media Access Control address, or MAC address, is the physical address of a device that serves as a unique identifier for network communication. MAC address filtering on a network either states which devices are allowed on the network or which devices are not allowed on the network. MAC address filtering is just one of many security protocols that can be implemented on a network to decrease the potential for a breach. While it does not offer the greatest potential in decreasing the chances of a breach and can be somewhat easy to get around they MAC address spoofing, it does make it slightly harder for any potential wrongdoers to gain access to my network. This in addition to disabling SSID broadcasting, WPA2 encryption, strong passwords changed out every so often, provide a layered approach to network security.

The article below makes a good point about having a layered approach to network security and that no network is 100% secure:


This article also speak more on the MAC address filtering :


Mitchell, B. (2016, February 28). Make your wireless home network as secure as it needs to be. Retrieved July 13, 2016, from http://compnetworking.about.com/od/wirelesssecurity/tp/wifisecurity.htm

The Best Home Network Security Plan. (2016). Retrieved July 13, 2016, from http://homenetworkadmin.com/the-best-home-network-security-plan/

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